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Outputs (2)

Segmentation and Identification of Mediterranean Plant Species (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kaur, P., Gigante, D., Caccianiga, M., Bagella, S., Angiolini, C., Garabini, M., Angelini, F., & Remagnino, P. (2023, October). Segmentation and Identification of Mediterranean Plant Species. Presented at ISVC 2023: 18th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, NV

Recently, object recognition and image segmentation have gained much attention in the computer vision field and image processing for effective object localisation and identification. Researchers have applied semantic segmentation and instance segment... Read More about Segmentation and Identification of Mediterranean Plant Species.

Annotate and retrieve in vivo images using hybrid self-organizing map (2023)
Journal Article
Kaur, P., Malhi, A., & Pannu, H. (2024). Annotate and retrieve in vivo images using hybrid self-organizing map. Visual Computer, 40(8), 5619-5638.

Multimodal retrieval has gained much attention lately due to its effectiveness over uni-modal retrieval. For instance, visual features often under-constrain the description of an image in content-based retrieval; however, another modality, such as co... Read More about Annotate and retrieve in vivo images using hybrid self-organizing map.