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Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications (2023)
Journal Article
Poyser, M., & Breckon, T. P. (2024). Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications. Pattern Recognition, 147, 110052.

Deep Neural Networks have received considerable attention in recent years. As the complexity of network architecture increases in relation to the task complexity, it becomes harder to manually craft an optimal neural network architecture and train it... Read More about Neural architecture search: A contemporary literature review for computer vision applications.

UAV-ReID: A Benchmark on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Re-Identification in Video Imagery (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Organisciak, D., Poyser, M., Alsehaim, A., Hu, S., Isaac-Medina, B. K., Breckon, T. P., & Shum, H. P. UAV-ReID: A Benchmark on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Re-Identification in Video Imagery. Presented at 2022 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications

As unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) become more accessible with a growing range of applications, the risk of UAV disruption increases. Recent development in deep learning allows vision-based counter-UAV systems to detect and track UAVs with a single ca... Read More about UAV-ReID: A Benchmark on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Re-Identification in Video Imagery.

Does lossy image compression affect racial bias within face recognition? (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yucer, S., Poyser, M., Al Moubayed, N., & Breckon, T. (2022, October). Does lossy image compression affect racial bias within face recognition?. Presented at International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2022), Abu Dhabi, UAE

This study investigates the impact of commonplace lossy image compression on face recognition algorithms with regard to the racial characteristics of the subject. We adopt a recently proposed racial phenotype-based bias analysis methodology to measur... Read More about Does lossy image compression affect racial bias within face recognition?.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visual Detection and Tracking using Deep Neural Networks: A Performance Benchmark (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Isaac-Medina, B. K., Poyser, M., Organisciak, D., Willcocks, C. G., Breckon, T. P., & Shum, H. P. (2021, October). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visual Detection and Tracking using Deep Neural Networks: A Performance Benchmark. Presented at 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), Montreal, BC, Canada

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) can pose a major risk for aviation safety, due to both negligent and malicious use. For this reason, the automated detection and tracking of UAV is a fundamental task in aerial security systems. Common technologies for... Read More about Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visual Detection and Tracking using Deep Neural Networks: A Performance Benchmark.

On the Impact of Lossy Image and Video Compression on the Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poyser, M., Atapour-Abarghouei, A., & Breckon, T. (2021, January). On the Impact of Lossy Image and Video Compression on the Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures. Presented at 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020), Milan, Italy

Recent advances in generalized image understanding have seen a surge in the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) across a broad range of image-based detection, classification and prediction tasks. Whilst the reported performance of these a... Read More about On the Impact of Lossy Image and Video Compression on the Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures.