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Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, J., Law, L.-C., & Shum, H. P. H. (2024, October). Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education. Presented at NordiCHI 2024, Uppsala

Driven by the recent incorporation of chatbots into art education, art critique as a key factor in this realm poses distinct challenges and opportunities for this technology intervention. This study investigates the efficacy of chatbot-generated crit... Read More about Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education.

Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, J., Law, E. L.-C., & Shum, H. P. H. (2024, October). Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education. Presented at NordiCHI 2024: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Uppsala Sweden

Driven by the recent incorporation of chatbots into art education, art critique as a key factor in this realm poses distinct challenges and opportunities for this technology intervention. This study investigates the efficacy of chatbot-generated crit... Read More about Chatbots and Art Critique: A Comparative Study of Chatbot and Human Experts in Traditional Chinese Painting Education.