Bootstrap test error estimations of polynomial fittings in surface reconstruction.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramli, A., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2009, November). Bootstrap test error estimations of polynomial fittings in surface reconstruction. Presented at Vision Modeling and Visualization, VMV09., Braunschweig, Germany
Outputs (5)
Curve subdivision with arc-length control. (2009)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Mederos, V., Estrada-Sarlabous, J., Morales, S., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2009). Curve subdivision with arc-length control. Computing, 86(2-3), 151-169. this paper we present a new nonstationary, interpolatory, curve subdivision scheme. We show that the scheme converges and the subdivision curve is continuous. Moreover, starting with the chord length parametrization of the initial polygon, we obta... Read More about Curve subdivision with arc-length control..
Variational Bayesian noise estimation of point sets. (2009)
Journal Article
Yoon, M., Ivrissimtzis, I., & Lee, S. (2009). Variational Bayesian noise estimation of point sets. Computers and Graphics, 33(3), 226 - 234. devices acquire geometric information from the surface of an object in the form of a 3D point set. Such point sets, as any data obtained by means of physical measurement, contain some noise. To create an accurate model of the scanned object,... Read More about Variational Bayesian noise estimation of point sets..
Distance Based Feature Detection on 3D Point Sets. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahmad, R., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2009, June). Distance Based Feature Detection on 3D Point Sets. Presented at 6th Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics Conference, Cardiff
Multi-pen Sketch Recognition in a Learning Environment. (2009)
Journal Article
Don, L., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2009). Multi-pen Sketch Recognition in a Learning Environment. Journal of multimedia, 4(2), 80-86. physics environments are becoming increasingly popular as a teaching tool for high school level mechanical physics. While useful, these tools often offer a complex user interface, lacking the intuitive nature of the traditional whiteboard. Fu... Read More about Multi-pen Sketch Recognition in a Learning Environment..