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BROOD: Bilevel and Robust Optimization and Outlier Detection for Efficient Tuning of High-Energy Physics Event Generators (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, W., Krishnamoorthy, M., Muller, J., Mrenna, S., Schulz, H., Ju, X., Leyffer, S., & Marshall, Z. (2022). BROOD: Bilevel and Robust Optimization and Outlier Detection for Efficient Tuning of High-Energy Physics Event Generators. SciPost Physics Core, 5(1),

The parameters in Monte Carlo (MC) event generators are tuned on experimental measurements by evaluating the goodness of fit between the data and the MC predictions. The relative importance of each measurement is adjusted manually in an often time co... Read More about BROOD: Bilevel and Robust Optimization and Outlier Detection for Efficient Tuning of High-Energy Physics Event Generators.