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A Leader-Follower Collective Motion in Robotic Swarms (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bahaidarah, M., Marjanovic, O., Rekabi-bana, F., & Arvin, F. (2024, August). A Leader-Follower Collective Motion in Robotic Swarms. Presented at TAROS 2024: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, London, UK

Collective Motion (CM) is a basic phenomenon observed in nature, such as in birds, insects, and schooling fish. In swarm robotics, virtual links among the swarm members generate attractive and repulsive forces to attain self-organised CM behaviour. H... Read More about A Leader-Follower Collective Motion in Robotic Swarms.

Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots (2024)
Journal Article
Ulrich, J., Stefanec, M., Rekabi-Bana, F., Fedotoff, L. A., Rouček, T., Gündeğer, B. Y., Saadat, M., Blaha, J., Janota, J., Hofstadler, D. N., Žampachů, K., Keyvan, E. E., Erdem, B., Şahin, E., Alemdar, H., Turgut, A. E., Arvin, F., Schmickl, T., & Krajník, T. (2024). Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots. Science Robotics, 9(95), Article eadn6848.

Digital and mechatronic methods, paired with artificial intelligence and machine learning, are transformative technologies in behavioral science and biology. The central element of the most important pollinator species-honey bees-is the colony's quee... Read More about Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots.

Evolutionary optimization for risk-aware heterogeneous multi-agent path planning in uncertain environments (2024)
Journal Article
Rekabi Bana, F., Krajník, T., & Arvin, F. (2024). Evolutionary optimization for risk-aware heterogeneous multi-agent path planning in uncertain environments. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11, Article 1375393.

Cooperative multi-agent systems make it possible to employ miniature robots in order to perform different experiments for data collection in wide open areas to physical interactions with test subjects in confined environments such as a hive. This pap... Read More about Evolutionary optimization for risk-aware heterogeneous multi-agent path planning in uncertain environments.

Swarm flocking using optimisation for a self-organised collective motion (2024)
Journal Article
Bahaidarah, M., Rekabi-Bana, F., Marjanovic, O., & Arvin, F. (2024). Swarm flocking using optimisation for a self-organised collective motion. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 86, Article 101491.

Collective motion, often called flocking, is a prevalent behaviour observed in nature wherein large groups of organisms move cohesively, guided by simple local interactions, as exemplified by bird flocks and fish schools. Inspired by those intelligen... Read More about Swarm flocking using optimisation for a self-organised collective motion.

Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs (2023)
Journal Article
Rekabi-Bana, F., Hu, J., Krajník, T., & Arvin, F. (2024). Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(3), 2492-2507.

Area coverage is an important problem in robotics applications, which has been widely used in search and rescue, offshore industrial inspection, and smart agriculture. This paper demonstrates a novel unified robust path planning, optimal trajectory g... Read More about Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs.