Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cristea, A., Alamri, A., Kayama, M., Stewart, C., Alsheri, M., & Shi, L. (2018, October). Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses. Presented at 27th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2018)., Lund, Sweden
Whilst a high dropout rate is a well-known problem in MOOCs, few studies take a data-driven approach to understand the reasons of such a phenomenon, and to thus be in the position to recommend and design possible adaptive solutions to alleviate it. I... Read More about Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses.