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Outputs (253)

Accelerating isogeometric boundary element analysis for 3-dimensional elastostatics problems through black-box fast multipole method with proper generalized decomposition (2018)
Journal Article
Li, S., Trevelyan, J., Zhang, W., & Wang, D. (2018). Accelerating isogeometric boundary element analysis for 3-dimensional elastostatics problems through black-box fast multipole method with proper generalized decomposition. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 114(9), 975-998.

The isogeometric approach to computational engineering analysis makes use of Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) to discretise both the geometry and the analysis field variables, giving a higher fidelity geometric description and leading to improv... Read More about Accelerating isogeometric boundary element analysis for 3-dimensional elastostatics problems through black-box fast multipole method with proper generalized decomposition.

Numerical Investigation of the Accuracy, Stability, and Efficiency of Lattice Boltzmann Methods in Simulating Non-Newtonian Flow (2018)
Journal Article
Grasinger, M., Overacker, S., & Brigham, J. (2018). Numerical Investigation of the Accuracy, Stability, and Efficiency of Lattice Boltzmann Methods in Simulating Non-Newtonian Flow. Computers and Fluids, 166, 253-274.

The Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a numerical method based on computational statistical mechanics that is well-suited for approximating complex flow behaviors such as non-Newtonian, free surface, and multiphase multicomponent flow. LBM is typical... Read More about Numerical Investigation of the Accuracy, Stability, and Efficiency of Lattice Boltzmann Methods in Simulating Non-Newtonian Flow.

A Comparative Review of Plausible Hole Filling Strategies in the Context of Scene Depth Image Completion (2018)
Journal Article
Atapour-Abarghouei, A., & Breckon, T. (2018). A Comparative Review of Plausible Hole Filling Strategies in the Context of Scene Depth Image Completion. Computers and Graphics, 72, 39-58.

Despite significant research focus on 3D scene capture systems, numerous unresolved challenges remain in relation to achieving full coverage scene depth estimation which is the key part of any modern 3D sensing system. This has created an area of res... Read More about A Comparative Review of Plausible Hole Filling Strategies in the Context of Scene Depth Image Completion.

Feasibility study of seasonal solar thermal energy storage in domestic dwellings in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Ma, Z., Bao, H., & Roskilly, A. P. (2018). Feasibility study of seasonal solar thermal energy storage in domestic dwellings in the UK. Solar Energy, 162, 489-499.

Seasonal solar thermal energy storage (SSTES) has been investigated widely to solve the mismatch between majority solar thermal energy in summer and majority heating demand in winter. To study the feasibility of SSTES in domestic dwellings in the UK,... Read More about Feasibility study of seasonal solar thermal energy storage in domestic dwellings in the UK.

Steady bilayer channel and free-surface isothermal film flow over topography (2018)
Journal Article
Abdalla, A., Veremieiev, S., & Gaskell, P. (2018). Steady bilayer channel and free-surface isothermal film flow over topography. Chemical Engineering Science, 181, 215-236.

Two flow configurations, involving bilayers, are explored systematically: through an inclined channel comprised of two planar surfaces in parallel alignment and down an inclined plane. Both liquid layers are assumed to be perfectly immiscible and the... Read More about Steady bilayer channel and free-surface isothermal film flow over topography.

Indoor Dual Polarised Radio Channel Characterization in the 54 GHz and 70 GHz bands (2018)
Journal Article
Raimundo, X., Salous, S., & Cheema, A. (2018). Indoor Dual Polarised Radio Channel Characterization in the 54 GHz and 70 GHz bands. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 12(8), 1287-1292.

In this study, results of wideband dual polarised measurements conducted in indoor environments including office, factory, corridor and computer foyer, using state-of-the-art 2×2 multiple-input–multiple-output frequency modulated continuous wave-base... Read More about Indoor Dual Polarised Radio Channel Characterization in the 54 GHz and 70 GHz bands.

Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities (2018)
Journal Article
Roelich, K., Bale, C. S., Turner, B., & Neall, R. (2018). Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 727-736.

Municipalities in the UK are increasingly engaging in local management of one or more parts of the energy system. The municipal energy companies set up to manage this engagement have the potential to contribute to a low-carbon transition through acce... Read More about Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities.

Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Joint Target Parameter Estimation in FM-Based Distributed Passive Radar Network with Antenna Arrays (2018)
Journal Article
Shi, C., Wang, F., Salous, S., & Zhou, J. (2018). Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Joint Target Parameter Estimation in FM-Based Distributed Passive Radar Network with Antenna Arrays. Radio Science, 53(3), 314-333.

To avoid the disadvantages of the active radar which utilizes its own transmitter to emit electromagnetic radiations, passive radars use the signals readily available in the environment and can provide superior capabilities of stealth target detectio... Read More about Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Joint Target Parameter Estimation in FM-Based Distributed Passive Radar Network with Antenna Arrays.

Optimization of Malaysia’s power generation mix to meet the electricity demand by 2050 (2018)
Journal Article
Haiges, R., Wang, Y., Ghoshray, A., & Roskilly, A. (2018). Optimization of Malaysia’s power generation mix to meet the electricity demand by 2050. Energy Procedia, 142, 2844-2851.

The Malaysian Government has been introducing fuel diversification policies over the past decade by considering other sources of fuel such as alternative and renewables into the electricity mix as a measure to lengthen the oil and gas reserves agains... Read More about Optimization of Malaysia’s power generation mix to meet the electricity demand by 2050.

Reliable anisotropic-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for simplified P_N approximations of radiative transfer (2018)
Journal Article
Giani, S. (2018). Reliable anisotropic-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for simplified P_N approximations of radiative transfer. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 337, 225-243.

In this paper we present the analysis for the error estimator for radiative transfer problems presented in Giani and Seaid (2016) where we showed the capabilities of the error estimator to accurately drive the adaptivity to resolve steep boundary lay... Read More about Reliable anisotropic-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for simplified P_N approximations of radiative transfer.