Automatic catheter valve system for long term catheterisation patients to inprove quality of life.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lee, S., Short, T., & Unsworth, A. (2005, December). Automatic catheter valve system for long term catheterisation patients to inprove quality of life. Presented at Urology, London
Outputs (84)
Performance and emission characteristics of a engine using vegetable oil fuel blended fuel (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, Y., Hewitt, N., Eames, P., Li, S., Zeng, S., Huang, J., He, Y., Huang, X., & Lin, L. (2005, December). Performance and emission characteristics of a engine using vegetable oil fuel blended fuel
Tuning of parameters guiding B-spline based ESO optimisation with boundary elements. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wen, J., & Trevelyan, J. (2005, December). Tuning of parameters guiding B-spline based ESO optimisation with boundary elements. Presented at UKBIM 5, Liverpool, England
Biomaterial wear screening tests for an all polymer knee. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Joyce, T., Riddell, D., & Unsworth, A. (2005, December). Biomaterial wear screening tests for an all polymer knee. Presented at 30th Annual Conference oof the Society for Biomaterials, Memphis USA
Improved energy conversion for doubly-fed wind generators. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Todd, R., Barnes, M., & Tavner, P. (2005, December). Improved energy conversion for doubly-fed wind generators. Presented at Annual IAS Conference, Hong Kong
Rapid re-analysis in 2D BEM elastostatic calculations. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Scales, D., & Trevelyan, J. (2005, December). Rapid re-analysis in 2D BEM elastostatic calculations. Presented at UKBIM 5, Liverpool, England
The Effect of Structure on the Water Retention of Soil Tested using Different Methods of Suction Measurement. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Walker, S., Gallipoli, D., & Toll, D. (2005, December). The Effect of Structure on the Water Retention of Soil Tested using Different Methods of Suction Measurement. Presented at Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Trento, Italy
The effect of TiNbON coating on the wear of Kinemax plus knee arthroplasty. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Unsworth, A. (2005, December). The effect of TiNbON coating on the wear of Kinemax plus knee arthroplasty
Virtual Manufacturing & Systems. (2005)
Book Chapter
Wang, Q. (2005). Virtual Manufacturing & Systems. In E-Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications (231-263). WIT Press
Behaviour of gravelly sand using critical state concepts. (2005)
Journal Article
Hosseini, S., Haeri, S., & Toll, D. (2005). Behaviour of gravelly sand using critical state concepts. Scientia iranica, 12(2), 167-177A series of consolidated undrained triaxial tests were performed in order to understand the behavior of a gravely sand. The material was selected from Tehran alluvium and is classified as gravely sand in the Unified Soil Classification System. Critic... Read More about Behaviour of gravelly sand using critical state concepts..