Meta-Design for Agile Concurrent Product Design in the Virtual Enterprise
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lomas, C. D. W., & Matthews, P. C. (2007, July). Meta-Design for Agile Concurrent Product Design in the Virtual Enterprise. Presented at International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Durham, England
Outputs (2)
Implementing Digital Enterprise Technologies for Agile Design in the Virtual Enterprise (2007)
Book Chapter
Lomas, C., Maropoulos, P., & Matthews, P. (2007). Implementing Digital Enterprise Technologies for Agile Design in the Virtual Enterprise. In P. Cunha, & P. Maropoulos (Eds.), Digital enterprise technology : perspectives and future challenges (177-184). Springer Verlag. Enterprise Technology (DET) is defined as a synthesis of digital and physical systems across the product lifecycle which can be exploited for two main benefits: risk mitigation through consistent and seamless data standards; and reduction in... Read More about Implementing Digital Enterprise Technologies for Agile Design in the Virtual Enterprise.