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Outputs (106)

Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (2019)
Journal Article
Frantz, L. A., Haile, J., Lin, A. T., Scheu, A., Geörg, C., Benecke, N., Alexander, M., Linderholm, A., Mullin, V. E., Daly, K. G., Battista, V. M., Price, M., Gron, K. J., Alexandri, P., Arbogast, R.-M., Arbuckle, B., Bӑlӑşescu, A., Barnett, R., Bartosiewicz, L., Baryshnikov, G., …Larson, G. (2019). Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(35), 17231-17238.

Archaeological evidence indicates that pig domestication had begun by ∼10,500 y before the present (BP) in the Near East, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) suggests that pigs arrived in Europe alongside farmers ∼8,500 y BP. A few thousand years after the... Read More about Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe.

Vikings, peat and settlement abandonment: a multi-method chronological approach from Shetland (2019)
Journal Article
Swindles, G., Outram, Z., Batt, C., Hamilton, W., Church, M., Bond, J., Watson, E., Cook, G., Sim, T., Newton, A., & Dugmore, A. (2019). Vikings, peat and settlement abandonment: a multi-method chronological approach from Shetland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 210, 211-225.

Understanding the chronology of Norse settlement is crucial for deciphering the archaeology of many sites across the North Atlantic region and developing a timeline of human-environment interactions. There is ambiguity in the chronology of settlement... Read More about Vikings, peat and settlement abandonment: a multi-method chronological approach from Shetland.

Deforestation and human agency in the North Atlantic region: Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence from the Western Isles of Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Church, M., Lawson, I., Roucoux, K., O’Brien, C., Ranner, H., Heald, A., & Flitcroft, C. (2018). Deforestation and human agency in the North Atlantic region: Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence from the Western Isles of Scotland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 84, 145-184.

This paper considers the timing and mechanisms of deforestation in the Western Isles of Scotland, focusing in particular on the landscape around the Calanais stone circles, one of the best preserved late Neolithic/early Bronze Age monumental landscap... Read More about Deforestation and human agency in the North Atlantic region: Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence from the Western Isles of Scotland.

Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
Piper, S., Bishop, R., Rowley-Conwy, P., Elliott, L., & Church, M. (2018). Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic, 35, 1-22.

This paper presents the results of a palaeoenvironmental investigation of riverine deposits containing charred heathland plant material, recovered during an archaeological survey of Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland. This survey... Read More about Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland.

Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden (2017)
Journal Article
Gron, K., Gröcke, D., Larsson, M., Sørensen, L., Larsson, L., Rowley-Conwy, P., & Church, M. (2017). Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 14, 575-579.

Little is known about arable agriculture in the Early Neolithic (4000–3300 cal BC, Funnel Beaker Culture) of Southern Scandinavia. Archaeobotanical material is rare and few archaeological sites have yielded more than a small number of charred cereal... Read More about Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden.

Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects for the Mesolithic and Medieval periods in the Western Isles of Scotland (2016)
Journal Article
Ascough, P., Church, M., & Cook, G. (2016). Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects for the Mesolithic and Medieval periods in the Western Isles of Scotland. Radiocarbon, 59(1), 17-31.

This article presents new values for the Scottish marine radiocarbon reservoir effect (MRE) during the Mesolithic at 4540–4240 BC (6490–6190 BP) and the Medieval period at AD 1460–1630 (490–320 BP). The results give a ΔR of –126±39 14C yr for the Mes... Read More about Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects for the Mesolithic and Medieval periods in the Western Isles of Scotland.

Can't find a pulse? Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.) in British prehistory (2016)
Journal Article
Treasure, E., & Church, M. (2017). Can't find a pulse? Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.) in British prehistory. Environmental Archaeology, 22(2), 113-127.

Archaeobotanical research on prehistoric crops in Britain has primarily focussed on cereals and the potential importance of alternative crops, such as pulses, has often been overlooked. This paper reviews evidence for Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.) in B... Read More about Can't find a pulse? Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.) in British prehistory.

Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: Managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic (2015)
Journal Article
Brewington, S., Hicks, H., Edwald, Á., Einarsson, Á., Anamthawat-Jónsson, K., Cook, G., …McGovern, T. (2015). Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: Managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic. Holocene, 25(10), 1676-1684.

The offshore islands of the North Atlantic were among some of the last settled places on earth, with humans reaching the Faroes and Iceland in the late Iron Age and Viking period. While older accounts emphasizing deforestation and soil erosion have p... Read More about Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: Managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic.

The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications (2015)
Journal Article
Treasure, E., Church, M., & Gröcke, D. (2016). The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 8(3), 555-562.

This paper examines the impact of animal manure on δ15N and δ13C values in a legume, Celtic Black broad bean (Vicia faba). In a field experiment, V. faba was cultivated in plots treated with farmyard manure and pure sheep manure. The results indicate... Read More about The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications.