A long Quaternary terrace sequence in the Orontes River Valley, Syria: a record of uplift and of human occupation
Journal Article
Bridgland, D., Philip, G., Westaway, R., & White, M. (2003). A long Quaternary terrace sequence in the Orontes River Valley, Syria: a record of uplift and of human occupation. Current Science, 84(8), 1080-1089
Mapping in the Homs region of Syria has revealed a hitherto unrecognized staircase of at least 12 gravel terraces of the upper Orontes River. The terrace gravels overlie Pliocene lacustrine marl and have been calcareously cemented into conglomerates,... Read More about A long Quaternary terrace sequence in the Orontes River Valley, Syria: a record of uplift and of human occupation.