Connectivity Between Northern Iberia and Western France (2900–1100 cal bc): The Flux of Metalwork in the Bay of Biscay Modelled by Multivariate Clustering
Journal Article
Latorre-Ruiz, J. (2024). Connectivity Between Northern Iberia and Western France (2900–1100 cal bc): The Flux of Metalwork in the Bay of Biscay Modelled by Multivariate Clustering. European Journal of Archaeology, 27(2), 129-148.
Connections between northern Iberia and western France around the Bay of Biscay during the Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, and Middle Bronze Age are addressed in this article through a multivariate cluster analysis of a dataset of 1273 metal finds, c... Read More about Connectivity Between Northern Iberia and Western France (2900–1100 cal bc): The Flux of Metalwork in the Bay of Biscay Modelled by Multivariate Clustering.