Ancient Civilizations 5th edition
Scarre, C., Fagan, B., & Golden, C. (2021). Ancient Civilizations 5th edition. (5th). Routledge
Outputs (3)
Vingt ans de fouilles sur le tumulus C de Péré à Prissé-la-Charrière : bilan, état des recherches et perspectives (2021)
Book Chapter
Laporte, L., Cousseau, F., Scarre, C., & Soler, L. (2021). Vingt ans de fouilles sur le tumulus C de Péré à Prissé-la-Charrière : bilan, état des recherches et perspectives. In E. Mens (Ed.), Mégalithismes et monumentalismes funéraires : passé, présent, futur (29 - 48). Sidestone Press
A closer look at the forgotten bones of the Dolmen of Pedras Grandes (Odivelas, Portugal). Examining old human remains 7 (2021)
Journal Article
Silva, A. M., Sousa, A. C., & Scarre, C. (2021). A closer look at the forgotten bones of the Dolmen of Pedras Grandes (Odivelas, Portugal). Examining old human remains 7. Spal (Sevilla. Internet), 2(30), Dolmen of Pedras Grandes (Odivelas, Lisboa, Portugal) was discovered and excavated at the end of the 19th century by Carlos Ribeiro. In 2004, this monument was re-excavated by Rui Boaventura and a complete study was conducted. The Dolmen of Pedra... Read More about A closer look at the forgotten bones of the Dolmen of Pedras Grandes (Odivelas, Portugal). Examining old human remains 7.