The Human Past. World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies
Scarre, C. (Ed.). (2013). The Human Past. World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. Thames & Hudson
Outputs (6)
Les sépultures collectives de Grande-Bretagne: temporalité et mémoire sociale (2013)
Book Chapter
Sévin-Allouet, C., & Scarre, C. (2013). Les sépultures collectives de Grande-Bretagne: temporalité et mémoire sociale. In J. Jaubert, N. Fourment, & P. Depaepe (Eds.), Transitions, Ruptures et Continuité en Préhistoire. Vol 1: Evolution des techniques, comportements funéraires, Néolithique ancien. Actes du 27è congrès SPF, Bordeaux-Les Eyzies, mai-juin 2010 (229-242). Société Préhistorique Française
Pierres et paysages: blocs naturels et éléments mégalithiques dans les monuments mégalithiques britanniques (2013)
Book Chapter
Scarre, C. (2013). Pierres et paysages: blocs naturels et éléments mégalithiques dans les monuments mégalithiques britanniques. In J. Guyodo, & E. Mens (Eds.), Les premières architectures en Pierre en Europe occidentale du Ve au IIe millénaire avant J.-C. : actes du colloque international de Nantes, Musée Thomas Dobrée, 2-4 Octobre 2008 (181-191). Presses Universitaires de RennesMegalithic monuments command our attention by virtue of the size of the stones and the skill and effort that would have been required to raise them into position. The sources of the individual blocks, and the issues of quarrying and transport that th... Read More about Pierres et paysages: blocs naturels et éléments mégalithiques dans les monuments mégalithiques britanniques.
Application of luminescence dating and geomorphological analysis to the study of landscape evolution, settlement and climate change on the Channel Island of Herm (2013)
Journal Article
Bailiff, I., Scarre, C., & French, C. (2014). Application of luminescence dating and geomorphological analysis to the study of landscape evolution, settlement and climate change on the Channel Island of Herm. Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 890-903. optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sands and palaeosol horizons, sampled as part of an archaeological investigation and supported by geomorphological analysis, has been applied to identify critical stages in the development of the... Read More about Application of luminescence dating and geomorphological analysis to the study of landscape evolution, settlement and climate change on the Channel Island of Herm.
Covering the dead: the cists behind the orthostats at the Mound of the Hostages (2013)
Book Chapter
Scarre, C. (2013). Covering the dead: the cists behind the orthostats at the Mound of the Hostages. In M. O'Sullivan, C. Scarre, & M. Doyle (Eds.), Tara – from the past to the future : towards a new research agenda (159-169). WordwellThe term ‘passage tomb’ implies that these were structures intended for the deposition of human remains, and it is commonly assumed that they were covered by a mound or cairn. The Mound of the Hostages at Tara, however, is one of several sites that e... Read More about Covering the dead: the cists behind the orthostats at the Mound of the Hostages.
The palaeogeography and Neolithic archaeology of Herm in the Channel Islands (2013)
Journal Article
Scarre, C., & French, C. (2013). The palaeogeography and Neolithic archaeology of Herm in the Channel Islands. Journal of Field Archaeology, 38(1), 4-20. small Channel Island of Herm combines several distinct habitats ranging from steep rocky coasts and a rolling upland plateau in the south to a dune-fringed sandy lowland in the north. Where upland and lowland meet, a line of megalithic tombs cons... Read More about The palaeogeography and Neolithic archaeology of Herm in the Channel Islands.