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Outputs (94)

Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding (2021)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2022). Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding. Security Dialogue, 53(3), 256-278.

This article uses the example of the Mogadishu International Airport zone and takes a spatio-temporal lens to explore how (sovereign) power unfolds in international interventions that aim at building a sovereign state. I show that the Mogadishu Inter... Read More about Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding.

Is Marx's Thought on Freedom Contradictory? (2021)
Journal Article
Kandiyali, J. (2021). Is Marx's Thought on Freedom Contradictory?. Critical Review, 33(2), 171-183.

In The Longing for Total Revolution Bernard Yack argues that Marx’s thought is plagued by a recurring contradiction. On the one hand, Marx criticizes his idealist predecessors for failing to get beyond the dichotomy between human freedom and natural... Read More about Is Marx's Thought on Freedom Contradictory?.

Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries (2021)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2022). Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries. Cooperation and Conflict, 57(2), 191-209.

This article contributes to debates on appropriate levels of analysis, temporality, and the utility of fieldwork in relation to Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), and International Relations more generally. It observes a recentism or privileging of th... Read More about Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries.

Deconstructing Nonviolence and the War Machine: Unarmed Coups, Nonviolent Power, and Armed Resistance (2021)
Journal Article
Finlay, C. J. (2021). Deconstructing Nonviolence and the War Machine: Unarmed Coups, Nonviolent Power, and Armed Resistance. Ethics & International Affairs, 35(3), 421-433.

Proponents of nonviolent methods often highlight the extent to which they rival arms as effective means of resistance. Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan, for instance, influentially compared civil resistance techniques favorably with armed insurrecti... Read More about Deconstructing Nonviolence and the War Machine: Unarmed Coups, Nonviolent Power, and Armed Resistance.

Cross-Domain Topic Classification for Political Texts (2021)
Journal Article
Osnabrügge, M., Ash, E., & Morelli, M. (2023). Cross-Domain Topic Classification for Political Texts. Political Analysis, 31(1), 59-80.

We introduce and assess the use of supervised learning in cross-domain topic classification. In this approach, an algorithm learns to classify topics in a labeled source corpus and then extrapolates topics in an unlabeled target corpus from another d... Read More about Cross-Domain Topic Classification for Political Texts.

Governing Financialization: The Tangled Politics of Financial Liberalization in Britain (2021)
Copley, J. (2022). Governing Financialization: The Tangled Politics of Financial Liberalization in Britain. Oxford University Press.

Capitalism has become ‘financialized’. Since the 1970s, the swelling of financial markets and asset price bubbles has occurred alongside weaker underlying economic growth. Yet financialization was not a spontaneous market development—it was rather de... Read More about Governing Financialization: The Tangled Politics of Financial Liberalization in Britain.

New Zealand: Parliamentary Speeches under a Mixed-Member Proportional Electoral System (2021)
Book Chapter
Osnabrügge, M. (2021). New Zealand: Parliamentary Speeches under a Mixed-Member Proportional Electoral System. In H. Bäck, M. Debus, & J. M. Fernandes (Eds.), The Politics of Legislative Debates (613-632). Oxford University Press.

This chapter studies debate participation in New Zealand’s parliament from 1996 to 2002. New Zealand has a mixed-member proportional electoral system and a multiparty system. Its parliamentary rules and procedures give parties considerable control ov... Read More about New Zealand: Parliamentary Speeches under a Mixed-Member Proportional Electoral System.