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Outputs (94)

"They Hear Us but They Do not Listen to Us”: Youth Narratives on Hope and Despair in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2021)
Journal Article
Baser, B., & Fazil, S. (2022). "They Hear Us but They Do not Listen to Us”: Youth Narratives on Hope and Despair in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. International journal of conflict and violence, 16, 1-12.

Most of the recent academic literature has focused on the macro politics of the Kurdish situation within Iraq and there is little scholarship about the younger generation of Kurds coming of age during the autonomous Kurdish rule. Unlike their forebea... Read More about "They Hear Us but They Do not Listen to Us”: Youth Narratives on Hope and Despair in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Mediation, identity construction and legitimacy: Reimagining the Syrian nation through third‐party peacemaking (2021)
Journal Article
Clowry, S. (2022). Mediation, identity construction and legitimacy: Reimagining the Syrian nation through third‐party peacemaking. Nations and Nationalism, 28(1), 194-210.

This article interrogates whether, and if so how, international mediation might shape the identities of the conflict parties. I examine stages I and II of the Geneva Peace Process, the early United Nations (UN)-led efforts in relation to the Syrian c... Read More about Mediation, identity construction and legitimacy: Reimagining the Syrian nation through third‐party peacemaking.

Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins (2021)
Journal Article
Chonka, P., & Bakonyi, J. (2021). Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s11), 67-91.

Displaced people settling at the margins of Somali cities live in conditions of extreme precarity. They are also active users of information and communications technology (ICTs), employing mobile phones to maintain social networks, obtain information... Read More about Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins.

Migrant workers' citizenship positionality in contemporary China (2021)
Book Chapter
Jakimów, M. (2021). Migrant workers' citizenship positionality in contemporary China. In Z. Guo (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Citizenship. Routledge.

This chapter discusses the interconnected nature of the institutional, discursive and spatial characteristics of migrant workers’ citizenship positioning in relation to the rural–urban divide. Institutionally, the rural–urban divide has been entrench... Read More about Migrant workers' citizenship positionality in contemporary China.

A Securitization Approach to Qatar’s Foreign Policy Making (2021)
Journal Article
Dogan-Akkas, B. (2021). A Securitization Approach to Qatar’s Foreign Policy Making. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 15(4), 536-553.

The securitisation of military and political sectors has been underway for decades in the context of Qatari politics. Conceptualising the role of security in Qatar’s foreign policymaking is the primary purpose of this study. Qatar’s security tools an... Read More about A Securitization Approach to Qatar’s Foreign Policy Making.

The “most revolutionary” banner in British trade union history? Political identities and the birth, life, purgatory, and rebirth of the “red” Follonsby miners’ banner (2021)
Journal Article
Mates, L. (2021). The “most revolutionary” banner in British trade union history? Political identities and the birth, life, purgatory, and rebirth of the “red” Follonsby miners’ banner. International Labor and Working-Class History, 100, 109-135.

The history and iconography of trade union banners has been surprisingly under-explored since it was first taken seriously as a subject of study in the early 1970s. The nostalgia evident in these early accounts for an age that seemed to contemporarie... Read More about The “most revolutionary” banner in British trade union history? Political identities and the birth, life, purgatory, and rebirth of the “red” Follonsby miners’ banner.