The Legacy of the Balfour Declaration
Book Chapter
Beckerman, C. (2019). The Legacy of the Balfour Declaration. In In Israel in a Turbulent Region. Routledge
Outputs (102)
How the West Came to Rule? [with António Ferraz de Oliveira] (2019)
Journal Article
Moreno Zacarés, J. (2019). How the West Came to Rule? [with António Ferraz de Oliveira]. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography,
Gridlock, Innovation and Resilience in Global Health Governance (2019)
Journal Article
Held, D., Kickbusch, I., McNally, K., Piselli, D., & Told, M. (2019). Gridlock, Innovation and Resilience in Global Health Governance. Global Policy, 10(2), 161-177. health governance is in many ways proving more innovative and resilient than other sectors in global governance. In order to understand the mechanisms that have made these developments possible, this article draws on the concept of gridlock, a... Read More about Gridlock, Innovation and Resilience in Global Health Governance.
Long-distance nationalism and belonging in the Libyan diaspora (1969–2011) (2019)
Journal Article
Alunni, A. (2019). Long-distance nationalism and belonging in the Libyan diaspora (1969–2011). British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 46(2), 242-258. article explores the significance of the Libyan diaspora for the politics of the homeland and for nation-building in Libya before the 2011 revolution. The focus is on the migratory flows of Libyan nationals from Libya that resulted in the formati... Read More about Long-distance nationalism and belonging in the Libyan diaspora (1969–2011).
Iran’s Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations With Azerbaijan and Armenia (2019)
Kouhi Esfahani, M. (2019). Iran’s Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations With Azerbaijan and Armenia. Routledge
The Politics of Consensus: Al-Nahda and the stability of the Tunisian transition (2019)
Journal Article
McCarthy, R. (2019). The Politics of Consensus: Al-Nahda and the stability of the Tunisian transition. Middle Eastern Studies, 55(2), 261-275. transition away from authoritarianism has been shaped by a politics of consensus, which has brought together representatives of the former regime with their historic adversary, the Islamist movement al-Nahda. This article argues that consen... Read More about The Politics of Consensus: Al-Nahda and the stability of the Tunisian transition.
Mobilities and peace (2019)
Journal Article
Richmond, O. P., & Mac Ginty, R. (2019). Mobilities and peace. Globalizations, 16(5), 606-624. article considers how an increasingly visible set of mobilities has implications for how peace and conflict are imagined and responded to. We are particularly interested in how these mobilities take form in everyday actions and shape new forms o... Read More about Mobilities and peace.
From Utopia to Apologia: International Normativity in the Long Nineteenth Century (2019)
Preprint / Working Paper
Schütze, R. From Utopia to Apologia: International Normativity in the Long Nineteenth Century
Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace (2019)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R., Joshi, M., & Lee, S. (2019). Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace. International Peacekeeping, 26(4), 457-486. article examines the correlation between the implementation of liberal peace provisions in peace accords and the duration of peace by drawing on data from the Peace Accords Matrix that comprises 34 comprehensive peace agreements signed in the po... Read More about Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace.
Where does real freedom begin? T.H.Green, P.P.Nicholson and the necessary but elusive binaries of freedom (2019)
Journal Article
Dimova-Cookson, M. (2019). Where does real freedom begin? T.H.Green, P.P.Nicholson and the necessary but elusive binaries of freedom. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, 25(1), 129-159