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Outputs (98)

The international politics of authoritarian resilience and breakdown in the Middle East (2017)
Journal Article
Darwich, M. (2018). The international politics of authoritarian resilience and breakdown in the Middle East. Mediterranean Politics, 23(3), 418-426.

The hope and disappointment that accompanied the 2011 Arab uprisings have demonstrated the centrality of international factors in affecting regime change and shaping transitions in the Middle East and North Africa. Although the impact of internationa... Read More about The international politics of authoritarian resilience and breakdown in the Middle East.

Europe's Mea Culpa: A Global Economy Gone Mad or a Crisis of our own Making? (2017)
Journal Article
Raviv, O. (2017). Europe's Mea Culpa: A Global Economy Gone Mad or a Crisis of our own Making?. Global Policy, 8(2), 159-169.

Much of the existing literature on the current financialized era of capitalism is guilty of essentializing the US experience. The methodological implication of this conceptual starting point has been that financialization in Europe was, and still is,... Read More about Europe's Mea Culpa: A Global Economy Gone Mad or a Crisis of our own Making?.

Natural Disasters and Political Participation: Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Floods in Germany (2017)
Journal Article
Rudolph, L., & Kuhn, P. M. (2018). Natural Disasters and Political Participation: Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Floods in Germany. German Politics, 27(1), 1-24.

How do natural disasters affect electoral participation? The existing social science literature offers contradictory predictions. A considerable body of research in sociology and psychology suggests that traumatic events can inspire pro-social behavi... Read More about Natural Disasters and Political Participation: Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Floods in Germany.

Moral Cosmopolitanism and Democratic Values (2017)
Journal Article
Held, D., & Maffettone, P. (2017). Moral Cosmopolitanism and Democratic Values. Global Policy, 8(56), 54-64.

In the past four decades topics related to the moral evaluation of global politics have occupied a central part of the philosophical debate. The first three sections of this essay provide a reconstruction of the defining features of the globalization... Read More about Moral Cosmopolitanism and Democratic Values.

The Middle East in the international system: improving, understanding and breaking down the international relations/area studies divide (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Fawcett, L. (2017). The Middle East in the international system: improving, understanding and breaking down the international relations/area studies divide

The year 2016 is a particularly timely one for a re-launch of the Institute for Middle East and Islamic Studies at Durham University. Events in the Middle East and North Africa continue to present huge challenges for regional and international order... Read More about The Middle East in the international system: improving, understanding and breaking down the international relations/area studies divide.

Israel's relations with the Gulf states: Toward the emergence of a tacit security regime? (2017)
Journal Article
Jones, C. A., & Guzansky, Y. (2017). Israel's relations with the Gulf states: Toward the emergence of a tacit security regime?. Contemporary Security Policy, 38(3), 398-419.

By drawing on the literature about security regimes, this article posits the idea that a particular type of regime, which can be termed a “tacit security regime” (TSR), has begun to emerge between Israel, on the one hand, and several Gulf Arab states... Read More about Israel's relations with the Gulf states: Toward the emergence of a tacit security regime?.

The concept of violence in international theory: a Double-Intent Account (2017)
Journal Article
Finlay, C. J. (2017). The concept of violence in international theory: a Double-Intent Account. International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy, 9(01), 67-100.

The ability of international ethics and political theory to establish a genuinely critical standpoint from which to evaluate uses of armed force has been challenged by various lines of argument. On one, theorists question the narrow conception of vio... Read More about The concept of violence in international theory: a Double-Intent Account.