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Outputs (48)

“T.H. Green” (2013)
Book Chapter
Dimova-Cookson, M. (2013). “T.H. Green”. In H. LaFollette (Ed.), Wiley-Blackwell's International Encyclopaedia of Ethics (2238-2243). Wiley

Assessing the Historiography of the October War (2013)
Book Chapter
Beckerman-Boys, C. (2013). Assessing the Historiography of the October War. In A. Siniver (Ed.), The Yom Kippur War: Politics, Legacy, Diplomacy (11-28). Oxford University Press

EU Development Policy: Constitutional and Legislative Foundation(s). (2013)
Journal Article
Schütze, R. (2013). EU Development Policy: Constitutional and Legislative Foundation(s). The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies, 15, 699-718.

The Union’s constitutional regime for development policy has traditionally progressed alongside two parallel tracks. In addition to a general regime for all developing countries, there exists a special regime for African, Caribbean and Pacific Countr... Read More about EU Development Policy: Constitutional and Legislative Foundation(s)..

Israel’s Clandestine Diplomacies (2013)
Jones, C., & Pedersen, T. T. (Eds.). (2013). Israel’s Clandestine Diplomacies. London/New York: Hurst/Oxford University Press