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Outputs (33)

The Spirit of the Convention and the Letter of the Colony: Refugees Defining States in a British Overseas Territory (2023)
Journal Article
Demetriou, O. (2023). The Spirit of the Convention and the Letter of the Colony: Refugees Defining States in a British Overseas Territory. International Political Sociology, 17(4), 1-26.

Whereas asylum policy is predicated on the assumption that states define refugees, this paper examines how refugees define states. Through the legal case of refugees stranded on a British military base in Cyprus since 1998, I show how refugees and th... Read More about The Spirit of the Convention and the Letter of the Colony: Refugees Defining States in a British Overseas Territory.

Lateral colonialism: exploring modalities of engagement in decolonial politics from the periphery (2023)
Journal Article
Demetriou, O., Constantinou, C. M., & Tselepou, M. (2023). Lateral colonialism: exploring modalities of engagement in decolonial politics from the periphery. Third World Quarterly, 44(9), 2173-2190.

This article contributes to an understanding of how the world outside the Global North is complicit in the visibility politics that render spaces of harm relevant or irrelevant to the reproduction of racism. Extending insights from decolonial theoris... Read More about Lateral colonialism: exploring modalities of engagement in decolonial politics from the periphery.

Reconsidering the vignette as method (2023)
Journal Article
Demetriou, O. (2023). Reconsidering the vignette as method. American Ethnologist, 50(2), 208-222.

When ethnography is used in fields outside anthropology, vignettes often take a central role. Yet methodological discussions of the vignette are not as central to anthropology as their cross-disciplinary use might warrant. By dwelling on, but perhaps... Read More about Reconsidering the vignette as method.

Migration, Minorities, and Refugeehood in Cyprus (2021)
Book Chapter
Demetriou, O. (2021). Migration, Minorities, and Refugeehood in Cyprus. In A. Treiber, H. Alzheimer, S. Doering-Manteuffel, & D. Drascek (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie (91-120). Ferdinand Schöningh, Brill.

This article uses displacement as an analytic lens for examining the Cypriot citizenship regime. It seeks to explain how the governance of migration, minorities, and the refugee existence stem from the politics of citizenship. The article first revie... Read More about Migration, Minorities, and Refugeehood in Cyprus.

Women and Peace Negotiations in Cyprus (2020)
Book Chapter
Demetriou, O., & Hadjipavlou, M. (2020). Women and Peace Negotiations in Cyprus. In O. Richmond, & G. Visoka (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Palgrave.

The integration of a gender agenda in the peace negotiations in Cyprus has been elusive over the five decades. However, it is only since the late 2000s that civil society and international observers have problematized this lack and attempted to addre... Read More about Women and Peace Negotiations in Cyprus.

Complementary Protection and the Recognition Rate as Tools of Governance: Ordering Europe, fragmenting Rights (2019)
Journal Article
Demetriou, O. (2022). Complementary Protection and the Recognition Rate as Tools of Governance: Ordering Europe, fragmenting Rights. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(5), 1264-1285.

Recognition rates measure how far states afford rights to refugees. Recent developments of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) have supplemented this measure with factors such as population and wealth. Concurrently, laws have developed nationall... Read More about Complementary Protection and the Recognition Rate as Tools of Governance: Ordering Europe, fragmenting Rights.