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‘Seven Shillings is Not Exactly the Millennium’: Economic Liberalism and the Campaign for a Miners' Minimum Wage in the Durham Coalfield to 1914 (2013)
Journal Article
Mates, L. (2013). ‘Seven Shillings is Not Exactly the Millennium’: Economic Liberalism and the Campaign for a Miners' Minimum Wage in the Durham Coalfield to 1914. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 34(1), 49-81.

The Durham Miners’ Association (DMA) was one of the best established, wealthiest and largest trade unions in Britain. Yet economic liberalism, specifically that miners’ wages had to be determined by coal prices, dominated the thinking of the DMA’s le... Read More about ‘Seven Shillings is Not Exactly the Millennium’: Economic Liberalism and the Campaign for a Miners' Minimum Wage in the Durham Coalfield to 1914.

Grassroots Conservatism in Post-War Britain: A view from the bottom up (2013)
Journal Article
Cohen, G., & Mates, L. (2013). Grassroots Conservatism in Post-War Britain: A view from the bottom up. History, 98(330), 202-225.

It is well known the membership of British Conservative Party in the 1950s dwarfed that of other parties, but despite this there has been very little examination of the party's grassroots in this crucial period. What literature there is comes predomi... Read More about Grassroots Conservatism in Post-War Britain: A view from the bottom up.

The Limits and Potential of Syndicalist Influence in the Durham Coalfield before the Great War (2013)
Journal Article
Mates, L. (2013). The Limits and Potential of Syndicalist Influence in the Durham Coalfield before the Great War. Labor History, 54(1), 42-63.

For the first two decades of the twentieth century, syndicalism (revolutionary trade unionism) was the most vigorous of the left's challenges to the capitalist order in many parts of the world. In Britain, syndicalism was reckoned to have had most im... Read More about The Limits and Potential of Syndicalist Influence in the Durham Coalfield before the Great War.