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Outputs (44)

'President George W. Bush and Northern Irland'. (2006)
Book Chapter
Dumbrell, J. (2006). 'President George W. Bush and Northern Irland'. In M. Cox, A. Guelke, & F. Stephen (Eds.), A Farewell to Arms? Beyond the Good Friday Agreement (357-366). (Second). Manchester University Press

A special relationship : Anglo-American relations from the Cold War to Iraq (2006)
Dumbrell, J. (2006). A special relationship : Anglo-American relations from the Cold War to Iraq. (2nd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan

In the comprehensively revised and updated new edition of this highly-acclaimed text, John Dumbrell assesses how and why the Anglo-American special relationship found a new lease of life under Blair as Britain repeatedly 'chose' the US in its evolvin... Read More about A special relationship : Anglo-American relations from the Cold War to Iraq.

'Working with Allies: The United States, the United Kingdom, and the War on Terror' (2006)
Journal Article
Dumbrell, J. (2006). 'Working with Allies: The United States, the United Kingdom, and the War on Terror'. Politics & Policy, 34(2), 452-472.

This article considers the special case of the United States' relationship with Great Britain—America's closest ally—in the context of the post-9/11 debate over unilateralism and multilateralism. It explains the development of unilateral preferences... Read More about 'Working with Allies: The United States, the United Kingdom, and the War on Terror'.

'The Grinding Reality of Realpolitik: Current and Future Directions in the UK, USA and Europe' (2006)
Journal Article
Davies, P., Dumbrell, J., Meehan, E., Hames, T., & Williams, S. (2006). 'The Grinding Reality of Realpolitik: Current and Future Directions in the UK, USA and Europe'. Twenty-first century society, 1(1), 73-98.

This paper reports on a debate about The Current and Future Directions of the political relations between the UK, USA and Europe held in March 2005 for the Academy of the Social Sciences. A panel of four social science practitioners and academics, ch... Read More about 'The Grinding Reality of Realpolitik: Current and Future Directions in the UK, USA and Europe'.