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Outputs (16)

The CEE countries’ first decade of EU membership: From policy-takers towards agenda-setters? (2016)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2016). The CEE countries’ first decade of EU membership: From policy-takers towards agenda-setters?. Problemy Polityki Społecznej, 31(4), 99-118

The accession of the group of eight post-communist Central and Eastern European member states who joined in 2004 marked a historic watershed in the development of the European Union. The subsequent enlargements in 2004 represented the biggest expansi... Read More about The CEE countries’ first decade of EU membership: From policy-takers towards agenda-setters?.

The EU-25 Fiscal Compact: Differentiated spillover effects under crisis conditions (2014)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2014). The EU-25 Fiscal Compact: Differentiated spillover effects under crisis conditions. Perspectives on European politics and society, 15(3), 293-304.

This article analyses the intergovernmental Fiscal Compact, which represents the latest layer in the emerging new governance framework European Union (EU) governments have adopted in response to the sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone. The crisis h... Read More about The EU-25 Fiscal Compact: Differentiated spillover effects under crisis conditions.

Poland, variable geometry and the enlarged European Union (2013)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2014). Poland, variable geometry and the enlarged European Union. Europe-Asia Studies, 66(3), 394-420.

This article examines the role of Poland in the European Union, where the traditional Franco-German leadership axis has been replaced by a new ‘variable geometry’ of leadership constellations across a variety of policy areas. In this setting Poland h... Read More about Poland, variable geometry and the enlarged European Union.

Stemming the Eurosceptic tide : promoting European studies in UK higher education (2013)
Book Chapter
Schweiger, C. (2013). Stemming the Eurosceptic tide : promoting European studies in UK higher education. In U. Hurt (Ed.), Focuses and challenges in European Union studies. EuroCollege, University of Tartu

After a temporary surge for European Studies in higher education in the United Kingdom in the 1990s, the subject area has in recent years been affected by a substantial decline. This is the result of a wider domestic climate of Euro-scepticism, which... Read More about Stemming the Eurosceptic tide : promoting European studies in UK higher education.

The EU's multiple cores and the CEEs: A threat or an opportunity? (2013)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2013). The EU's multiple cores and the CEEs: A threat or an opportunity?. Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 11(5), 27-46

The sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone has caused a fundamental shift in the EU’s internal power balance with Germany, the strongest political and economic player, essentially determining the political response to the crisis. The establishment and... Read More about The EU's multiple cores and the CEEs: A threat or an opportunity?.

Germany (2010)
Book Chapter
Schweiger, C. (2010). Germany. In J. Lodge (Ed.), The 2009 elections to the European Parliament (124-135). Palgrave Macmillan

Towards Convergence? New Labour's Third Way and the SPD's Agenda 2010 in Comparative Perspective (2010)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2010). Towards Convergence? New Labour's Third Way and the SPD's Agenda 2010 in Comparative Perspective. Sozialer Fortschritt, 59(9), 244-253.

This article provides a comparative analysis of the ‘third way’ economic and social policy approach of New Labour in the United Kingdom and the Agenda 2010 reform programme implemented by the SPD under Gerhard Schröder in Germany. The study tries to... Read More about Towards Convergence? New Labour's Third Way and the SPD's Agenda 2010 in Comparative Perspective.

Beyond Growth & Jobs? Perspectives for the EU Single Market Policy Framework (2009)
Journal Article
Schweiger, C. (2009). Beyond Growth & Jobs? Perspectives for the EU Single Market Policy Framework. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 5(4), 521-538

This article provides a critical analysis of the scope and the internal dynamics of the EU-27 Single European Market (SEM) policy framework, which is characterised by the intrinsic tension between application of hard deregulatory strategy in the area... Read More about Beyond Growth & Jobs? Perspectives for the EU Single Market Policy Framework.