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A Perfect Storm?: Coronavirus, Brexit, the Integrated Review, Scottish Separatism and the Future of Trident (2020)
Journal Article
Futter, A., & Bowen, B. E. (2020). A Perfect Storm?: Coronavirus, Brexit, the Integrated Review, Scottish Separatism and the Future of Trident. The RUSI Journal, 165(5-6), 92-99.

The coronavirus crisis has exacerbated the challenges posed by Brexit, the Integrated Review and a separatist Scotland, and shined new light on the UK nuclear weapons debate. This combination of issues has bolstered the argument that the resources al... Read More about A Perfect Storm?: Coronavirus, Brexit, the Integrated Review, Scottish Separatism and the Future of Trident.

War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics (2020)
Bowen, B. E. (2020). War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics. Edinburgh University Press.

War in Space presents a theory of spacepower and considers the implications of space technology on strategy and international relations. The spectre of space warfare stalks the major powers as outer space increasingly defines geopolitical and militar... Read More about War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics.