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Outputs (13)

Mining Competition and Violent Conflict in Africa: Pitting Against Each Other (2024)
Journal Article
Rigterink, A. S., Ghani, T., Lozano, J. S., & Shapiro, J. N. (2024). Mining Competition and Violent Conflict in Africa: Pitting Against Each Other. Journal of Politics,

Existing explanations for the well-established relationship between mining and conflict predominantly interpret violence near mines as conflict over territory or government. We provide evidence that competition between artisanal and industrial miners... Read More about Mining Competition and Violent Conflict in Africa: Pitting Against Each Other.

Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts (2021)
Journal Article
Slough, T., Rubenson, D., Levy, R., Alpizar Rodriguez, F., Bernedo Del Carpio, M., Buntaine, M. T., Christensen, D., Cooperman, A., Eisenbarth, S., Ferraro, P., Graham, L., Hartman, A., Kopas, J., McLarty, A. S., Rigterink, A. S., Samii, C., Seim, B., Urpelainen, J., & Zhang, B. (2021). Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29), Article e2015367118.

Can community monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest use and displacement (2021)
Journal Article
Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L., & Rigterink, A. S. (2021). Can community monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest use and displacement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(29), Article e2015172118.

Rapid deforestation is a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2019). One proposed policy tool to halt deforestation is community forest management. Even though communities manage an increasing proportion of the world's forests, we lack goo... Read More about Can community monitoring save the commons? Evidence on forest use and displacement.

South Sudan's long crisis of justice: merging notions of socio-economic justice and criminal accountability (2020)
Book Chapter
Schomerus, M., & Rigterink, A. S. (2020). South Sudan's long crisis of justice: merging notions of socio-economic justice and criminal accountability. In S. M. Nouwen, L. M. James, & S. Srinivasan (Eds.), Making and breaking peace in Sudan and South Sudan. The British Academy and Oxford University Press

South Sudan’s peace agreements offer two versions of justice: The Comprehensive Peace Agreement includes justice as a description of a better future with more equality. The Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan f... Read More about South Sudan's long crisis of justice: merging notions of socio-economic justice and criminal accountability.

Can Reminders of Rules Induce Compliance? Experimental Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Setting (2020)
Journal Article
Eisenbarth, S., Graham, L., & Rigterink, A. S. (2021). Can Reminders of Rules Induce Compliance? Experimental Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Setting. Environmental and Resource Economics, 79(4), 653-681.

This paper presents results from an RCT exploring whether a behavioural intervention can improve the conservation of a common pool resource. The literature on common pool resource management suggests that the existence of rules and sanctions is impor... Read More about Can Reminders of Rules Induce Compliance? Experimental Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Setting.

The wane of command. Evidence on drone strikes and control within terrorist organizations (2020)
Journal Article
Rigterink, A. S. (2021). The wane of command. Evidence on drone strikes and control within terrorist organizations. American Political Science Review, 115(1), 31-50.

This paper investigates how counterterrorism targeting terrorist leaders affects terrorist attacks. This effect is theoretically ambiguous and depends on whether terrorist groups are modeled as unitary actors or not. The paper exploits a natural expe... Read More about The wane of command. Evidence on drone strikes and control within terrorist organizations.