Meeting the global protein supply requirements of a growing and ageing population.
Journal Article
Smith, K., Watson, A. W., Lonnie, M., Peeters, W. M., Oonincx, D., Tsoutsoura, N., Simon-Miquel, G., Szepe, K., Cochetel, N., Pearson, A. G., Witard, O. C., Salter, A. M., Bennett, M., & Corfe, B. M. (2024). Meeting the global protein supply requirements of a growing and ageing population. European Journal of Nutrition, 63(5), 1425–1433.
Human dietary patterns are a major cause of environmental transformation, with agriculture occupying ~ 50% of global land space, while food production itself is responsible for ~ 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions and 70% of freshwater use. Furtherm... Read More about Meeting the global protein supply requirements of a growing and ageing population..