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Outputs (59)

A league-wide investigation into variability of rugby league match running from 322 Super League games (2020)
Journal Article
Dalton-Barron, N., Palczewska, A., McLaren, S. J., Rennie, G., Beggs, C., Roe, G., & Jones, B. (2021). A league-wide investigation into variability of rugby league match running from 322 Super League games. Science and Medicine in Football, 5(3), 225-233.

Purpose:This study investigated sources of variability in the overall and phase-specific running match characteristics in elite rugby league. Methods:Microtechnology data were collected from 11 Super League (SL) teams, across 322 competitive matches... Read More about A league-wide investigation into variability of rugby league match running from 322 Super League games.

Expanding socio-cultural identity research in sport psycho-logy: The potential of athlete autobiographies (2020)
Journal Article
McGannon, K. R., & Smith, B. (2020). Expanding socio-cultural identity research in sport psycho-logy: The potential of athlete autobiographies. Quaderns de Psicologia, 22(3),

Within the cultural sport psychology (CSP) genre, researchers have considered multiple and intersecting athlete identity expression to enhance sport participation, inclusion and performance. The aim with the present paper was to build upon, and expan... Read More about Expanding socio-cultural identity research in sport psycho-logy: The potential of athlete autobiographies.

A modified Delphi study to gain consensus for a taxonomy to report and classify physical activity referral schemes (PARS) (2020)
Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Oliver, E. J., Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., Pearsons, A., & Kelly, P. (2020). A modified Delphi study to gain consensus for a taxonomy to report and classify physical activity referral schemes (PARS). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), Article 158.

Background: Physical Activity Referral Schemes (PARS), including exercise referral schemes, are a popular approach to health improvement, but understanding of effectiveness is limited by considerable heterogeneity in reporting and evaluation. We aime... Read More about A modified Delphi study to gain consensus for a taxonomy to report and classify physical activity referral schemes (PARS).

Indicators and correlates of low energy availability in male and female dancers (2020)
Journal Article
Keay, N., Overseas, A., & Francis, G. (2020). Indicators and correlates of low energy availability in male and female dancers. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 6(1), 154-162.

Objectives: To investigate indicators and correlates of low energy availability (LEA) in male and female dancers. Methods: A Dance-Specific Energy Availability Questionnaire (DEAQ) was developed and administered online internationally to dancers trai... Read More about Indicators and correlates of low energy availability in male and female dancers.

Challenges, opportunities and solutions for local physical activity stakeholders: an implementation case study from a cross-sectoral physical activity network in Northeast England (2020)
Journal Article
Rigby, B., van der Graaf, P., Azevedo, L., Hayes, L., Gardner, B., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2020). Challenges, opportunities and solutions for local physical activity stakeholders: an implementation case study from a cross-sectoral physical activity network in Northeast England. BMC Public Health, 20, Article 1760.

Background: Increasingly, national policy initiatives and programmes have been developed to increase physical activity (PA). However, challenges in implementing and translating these policies into effective local-level programmes have persisted, and... Read More about Challenges, opportunities and solutions for local physical activity stakeholders: an implementation case study from a cross-sectoral physical activity network in Northeast England.

Decomposing the variability of match physical performance in professional soccer: Implications for monitoring individuals (2020)
Journal Article
Oliva-Lozano, J. M., Muyor, J. M., Fortes, V., & McLaren, S. J. (2021). Decomposing the variability of match physical performance in professional soccer: Implications for monitoring individuals. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(11), 1588-1596.

The aims of this study were to establish sources of variability in match physical performance of professional soccer players and provide a method for monitoring individual between-match changes. Eleven players meeting the final inclusion criteria wer... Read More about Decomposing the variability of match physical performance in professional soccer: Implications for monitoring individuals.

Short Term Precision Error of Body Composition Assessment Methods in Resistance Trained Male Athletes" (2020)
Journal Article
Farley, A., Slater, G., & Hind, K. (2021). Short Term Precision Error of Body Composition Assessment Methods in Resistance Trained Male Athletes". International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 31(1), 55-65.

Athletic populations require high-precision body composition assessments to identify true change. Least significant change determines technical error via same-day consecutive tests but does not integrate biological variation, which is more relevant f... Read More about Short Term Precision Error of Body Composition Assessment Methods in Resistance Trained Male Athletes".

Opportunistic screening using low-dose CT and the prevalence of osteoporosis in China: a nation-wide, multicenter study (2020)
Journal Article
Xiaoguang, C., Kai Ping, Z., Xiaojuan, Z., Xia, D., Yongli, L., Shuang, C., Yan, W., Shao Lin, L., Yong, L., Yuqin, Z., Xigang, X., YueHua, L., Xiao, M., Xiangyang, G., Wei, C., Yingying, Y., Jun, J., Bairu, C., Yinru, L., Jianbo, G., …Wei, T. (2021). Opportunistic screening using low-dose CT and the prevalence of osteoporosis in China: a nation-wide, multicenter study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 36(3), 427-435.

Opportunistic screening for osteoporosis can be performed using low‐dose computed tomography (LDCT) imaging obtained for other clinical indications. In this study we explored the CT‐derived bone mineral density (BMD) and prevalence of osteoporosis fr... Read More about Opportunistic screening using low-dose CT and the prevalence of osteoporosis in China: a nation-wide, multicenter study.

#gainingweightiscool: The use of transformation photos on Instagram among female weightlifters in recovery from eating disorders (2020)
Journal Article
Hockin-Boyers, H., Pope, S., & Jamie, K. (2020). #gainingweightiscool: The use of transformation photos on Instagram among female weightlifters in recovery from eating disorders. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13(1), 94-112.

In this article, we explore transformation photos on Instagram as ‘digital artefacts’ that can inform understandings of eating disorder recovery in the context of sport, exercise and health. Transformation photos are two images (from different time p... Read More about #gainingweightiscool: The use of transformation photos on Instagram among female weightlifters in recovery from eating disorders.