European Respiratory Society International Congress 2021: Highlights from the Respiratory clinical care and physiology assembly
Journal Article
Gille, T., Sivapalan, P., Kaltsakas, G., Kolekar, S. B., Armstrong, M., Tuffnell, R., Evans, R. A., Vagheggini, G., Degani-Costa, L. H., Vicente, C., Das, N., Poberezhets, V., Rolland-Debord, C., Bayat, S., Vogiatzis, I., Franssen, F. M. E., Pinnock, H., & Vanfleteren, L. E. (2022). European Respiratory Society International Congress 2021: Highlights from the Respiratory clinical care and physiology assembly. ERJ Open Research, 8(2), Article 00710-2021.
It is a challenge to keep abreast of all the clinical and scientific advances in the field of respiratory medicine. This article contains an overview of laboratory-based science, randomised controlled trials and qualitative research that were present... Read More about European Respiratory Society International Congress 2021: Highlights from the Respiratory clinical care and physiology assembly.