The Hooligan Film Factory: Football Violence in High Definition
Book Chapter
Poulton, E. (2014). The Hooligan Film Factory: Football Violence in High Definition. In M. Hopkins, & J. Treadwell (Eds.), Hooliganism, Crime and Crowd Management: Contemporary Perspectives in Relation to Research and Theory (154-175). Palgrave Macmillan
Outputs (5)
Antisemitism in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poulton, E. (2014, December). Antisemitism in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Paper presented at Political Studies Association’s ‘Sport and Politics’ 8th Annual Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (2014)
Journal Article
Poulton, E., & Durell, O. (2016). Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(6), 715-734. is the first empirical study to explain the contested uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fan culture. A pertinent socio-political issue with important policy and legal implications, we explain the different uses of ‘Yid’, making cent... Read More about Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.
Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans (2014)
Book Chapter
Poulton, E. (2014). Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans. In K. Lumsden, & A. Winter (Eds.), Reflexivity in criminological research : experiences with the powerful and powerless (77-89). Palgrave Macmillan. chapter identifies the methodological challenges (re)negotiated and managed as a female academic researching the hyper-masculine subculture of ‘football hooliganism’. It provides some methodological strategies and field tips that researchers may... Read More about Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans.
'Yid' as an Epithet and Term of Endearment in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poulton, E. (2014, September). 'Yid' as an Epithet and Term of Endearment in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Paper presented at Taboo II Conference., Durham University, Durham, UK