Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach
Plomp, K. A., Roberts, C. A., Elton, S., & Bentley, G. R. (Eds.). (2022). Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. Oxford University Press
Outputs (6)
Now you have read the book, what next? (2022)
Book Chapter
Bentley, G. R., Roberts, C. A., Elton, S., & Plomp, K. A. (2022). Now you have read the book, what next?. In K. A. Plomp, C. A. Roberts, S. Elton, & G. R. Bentley (Eds.), Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. Oxford University Press
What's it all about? A legacy for the next generation of scholars in evolutionary medicine and palaeopathology, (2022)
Book Chapter
Plomp, K. A., Roberts, C. A., Elton, S., & Bentley, G. R. (2022). What's it all about? A legacy for the next generation of scholars in evolutionary medicine and palaeopathology,. In K. A. Plomp, C. A. Roberts, S. Elton, & G. R. Bentley (Eds.), Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. Oxford University Press
Squatting, Pelvic Morphology, and a Reconsideration of Childbirth Difficulties (2022)
Journal Article
Gorman, J., Roberts, C. A., Newsham, S., & Bentley, G. R. (2022). Squatting, Pelvic Morphology, and a Reconsideration of Childbirth Difficulties. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 10(1), 243-255. is commonly viewed as difficult in human females, encompassed by the “Obstetrical Dilemma” (OD) described by early palaeoanthropologists as an evolved trade-off between a narrow pelvis necessitated by bipedalism and a large-brained fetal h... Read More about Squatting, Pelvic Morphology, and a Reconsideration of Childbirth Difficulties.
Morphological Characteristics of Healthy and Osteoarthritic Joint Surfaces in Archaeological Skeletons (2013)
Journal Article
Plomp, K., Roberts, C., & Strand Viðarsdόttir, U. (2015). Morphological Characteristics of Healthy and Osteoarthritic Joint Surfaces in Archaeological Skeletons. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 25(4), 515-527. is a major health concern in living populations, as well as being one of the most common pathological lesions identified in the archaeological record. The aetiology of the disease remains unclear, with a multi-factorial influence of ph... Read More about Morphological Characteristics of Healthy and Osteoarthritic Joint Surfaces in Archaeological Skeletons.
Vertebral morphology influences the development of Schmorl's nodes in the lower thoracic vertebrae. (2012)
Journal Article
Plomp, K., Roberts, C., & Strand Viðarsdóttir, U. (2012). Vertebral morphology influences the development of Schmorl's nodes in the lower thoracic vertebrae. American journal of physical anthropology, 149(4), 572-582.