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National-scale assessment of railways exposure to rapid flow-like landslides (2024)
Journal Article
Marchesini, I., Althuwaynee, O., Santangelo, M., Alvioli, M., Cardinali, M., Mergili, M., Reichenbach, P., Peruccacci, S., Balducci, V., Agostino, I., Esposito, R., & Rossi, M. (2024). National-scale assessment of railways exposure to rapid flow-like landslides. Engineering Geology, 332, Article 107474.

In landslide-prone regions, railway networks are vulnerable to rapid flow-like landslides, which can cause extensive damage, even at significant distances from the landslide's point of origin. The prioritization of protective measures on a national s... Read More about National-scale assessment of railways exposure to rapid flow-like landslides.

How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO2 sublimation (2024)
Journal Article
Roelofs, L., Conway, S. J., de Haas, T., Dundas, C., Lewis, S. R., McElwaine, J., …Patel, M. R. (2024). How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO2 sublimation. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), Article 125.

Martian gullies resemble water-carved gullies on Earth, yet their present-day activity cannot be explained by water-driven processes. The sublimation of CO2 has been proposed as an alternative driver for sediment transport, but how this mechanism wor... Read More about How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO2 sublimation.

Timescales of glacial isostatic adjustment in Greenland: is transient rheology required? (2024)
Journal Article
Pan, L., Mitrovica, J. X., Milne, G. A., Hoggard, M. J., & Woodroffe, S. A. (2024). Timescales of glacial isostatic adjustment in Greenland: is transient rheology required?. Geophysical Journal International, 237(2), 989-995.

The possibility of a transient rheological response to ice age loading, first discussed in the literature of the 1980s, has received renewed attention. Transient behaviour across centennial to millennial timescales has been invoked to reconcile appar... Read More about Timescales of glacial isostatic adjustment in Greenland: is transient rheology required?.

Compiled onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia Subduction zone (2024)
Staisch, L., Witter, R., Watt, J., Grant, A., Walton, M., Brothers, D., Davis, E., Dura, C., Engelhart, S., Enkin, R., Garrison-Laney, C., Goldfinger, C., Hamilton, T., Hawkes, A., Hill, J., Hong, I., Jaffe, B., Kelsey, H., Lahusen, S., La Selle, S., …Stanton, K. (2024). Compiled onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia Subduction zone. [Data].

The USGS Powell Center Cascadia earthquake hazards working group compiled published onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia subduction zone, spanning sites from Vancouver Island to the Mendocino triple junction. Evidence for megathr... Read More about Compiled onshore and offshore paleoseismic data along the Cascadia Subduction zone.

Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic (2024)
Journal Article
Dale, L., Rawlinson, A., Knowles, P., Foulds, F., Ashton, N., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2024). Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic. Antiquity, 98(398), 305-322.

Hypertrophic ‘giant’ handaxes are a rare component of Acheulean assemblages, yet have been central to debates relating to the social, cognitive and cultural ‘meaning’ of these enigmatic tools. The authors examine giant handaxes from the perspective o... Read More about Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic.

Subglacial valleys preserved in the highlands of south and east Greenland record restricted ice extent during past warmer climates (2024)
Journal Article
Paxman, G. J. G., Jamieson, S. S. R., Dolan, A. M., & Bentley, M. J. (2024). Subglacial valleys preserved in the highlands of south and east Greenland record restricted ice extent during past warmer climates. The Cryosphere, 18(3), 1467-1493.

The Greenland Ice Sheet is a key contributor to contemporary global sea level rise, but its long-term history and response to episodes of warming in Earth's geological past remain uncertain. The terrain covered by the ice sheet comprises ∼ 79 % of Gr... Read More about Subglacial valleys preserved in the highlands of south and east Greenland record restricted ice extent during past warmer climates.

Deglaciation patterns in the Upper Zemmgrund, Austria: An exploration of clean-ice disintegration scenarios (2024)
Journal Article
Wytiahlowsky, H., Busfield, M., Hepburn, A., & Lukas, S. (2024). Deglaciation patterns in the Upper Zemmgrund, Austria: An exploration of clean-ice disintegration scenarios. Geomorphology, 452, Article 109113.

The European Alps are rapidly losing glacier mass due to climatic warming and are anticipated to be largely ice-free by the year 2100. Long-term glacier monitoring in the Alps provides a record of anthropogenically-driven climate change since the Lit... Read More about Deglaciation patterns in the Upper Zemmgrund, Austria: An exploration of clean-ice disintegration scenarios.

River(s) Wear: Water in the Expanded Field (2024)
Journal Article
Santos, M., & Wainwright, J. (2024). River(s) Wear: Water in the Expanded Field. Cultural Geographies,

This article elaborates on an artist-in-residence project funded by the Leverhulme Trust in the Geography Department at Durham University in 2015–16. The project confronted artistic and scientific perspectives to investigate how people in the North-E... Read More about River(s) Wear: Water in the Expanded Field.

Identifying recurrent and persistent landslides using satellite imagery and deep learning: A 30-year analysis of the Himalaya (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, T. K., Kincey, M. E., Rosser, N. J., & Seto, K. C. (2024). Identifying recurrent and persistent landslides using satellite imagery and deep learning: A 30-year analysis of the Himalaya. Science of the Total Environment, 922, Article 171161.

This paper presents a remote sensing-based method to efficiently generate multi-temporal landslide inventories and identify recurrent and persistent landslides. We used free data from Landsat, nighttime lights, digital elevation models, and a convolu... Read More about Identifying recurrent and persistent landslides using satellite imagery and deep learning: A 30-year analysis of the Himalaya.

Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery (2024)
Journal Article
Van Wyk De Vries, M., Arrell, K., Basyal, G., Densmore, A., Dunant, A., Harvey, E. L., …Dadson, S. (2024). Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(4), 1397-1410.

Landslides are one of the most damaging natural hazards and have killed tens of thousands of people around the world over the past decade. Slow‐moving landslides, with surface velocities on the order of 10−2–102 m a−1, can damage buildings and infras... Read More about Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery.