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Outputs (77)

Alexander John Ellis: Pitch Fundamentalist (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Walden, D. K. (2018, December). Alexander John Ellis: Pitch Fundamentalist. Presented at American Musicological Society, San Antonio, Texas (USA)

quattro quadri - per organo solo (2018)
Rijnvos, R. (2018). quattro quadri - per organo solo. [score]

Venice's success in commerce and shipping during the 16th and 17th century came with a heavy price: the Black Death. Believed to have originated in Central Asia, the bubonic plague was spread by rats and fleas hitchhiking on ships going westwards, al... Read More about quattro quadri - per organo solo.

IEMP Uruguayan Candombe (2018)
Digital Artefact
Jure, L., Rocamora, M., Tarsitani, S., & Clayton, M. (2018). IEMP Uruguayan Candombe