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Outputs (48)

Semantic Computing of Moods Based on Tags in Social Media of Music (2014)
Journal Article
Saari, P., & Eerola, T. (2014). Semantic Computing of Moods Based on Tags in Social Media of Music. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(10), 2548-2560.

Social tags inherent in online music services such as provide a rich source of information on musical moods. The abundance of social tags makes this data highly beneficial for developing techniques to manage and retrieve mood information, and... Read More about Semantic Computing of Moods Based on Tags in Social Media of Music.

From Technological Investigation and Software Emulation to Music Analysis: An integrated approach to Barry Truax's Riverrun (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clarke, M., Dufeu, F., & Manning, P. (2014, September). From Technological Investigation and Software Emulation to Music Analysis: An integrated approach to Barry Truax's Riverrun. Presented at 40th International Computer Music Conference joint with the 11th Sound and Music Computing conference, Athens, Greece

This paper presents an approach to studying Barry Truax’s Riverrun as it is being carried out within the TaCEM project (Technology and Creativity in Electroacoustic Music), a collaboration between the Universities of Huddersfield and Durham funded fo... Read More about From Technological Investigation and Software Emulation to Music Analysis: An integrated approach to Barry Truax's Riverrun.

Database studies (2014)
Book Chapter
Eerola, T. (2014). Database studies. In W. F. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the social and behavioral sciences : an encyclopedia (316-319). SAGE Publications

Melody processing (2014)
Book Chapter
Eerola, T. (2014). Melody processing. In W. F. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the social and behavioral sciences : an encyclopedia (684-687). SAGE Publications

Earworms. (2014)
Book Chapter
Williamson, V., & Jakubowski, K. (2014). Earworms. In W. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences. SAGE Publications.

An earworm is a fragment of music that comes to mind involuntarily and repeats at least once, on a loop, without conscious effort. The cause of an earworm may or may not be known, but the initiation of the earworm episode ...

Similarity, Melodic (2014)
Book Chapter
Eerola, T. (2014). Similarity, Melodic. In W. F. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the social and behavioral sciences : an encyclopedia (1003-1006). SAGE Publications

Complexity (2014)
Book Chapter
Eerola, T. (2014). Complexity. In W. F. Thompson (Ed.), Music in the social and behavioral sciences : an encyclopedia (227-229). SAGE Publications

Irish Musical Analysis. (2014)
Cox, G., & Horton, J. (Eds.). (2014). Irish Musical Analysis. Four Courts Press

The extraordinary rise of musicology in Ireland over the last twenty years has generated an increased interest in the sister discipline of music theory and analysis. This volume highlights this development and presents a substantial cross-section of... Read More about Irish Musical Analysis..