Bruckner's Symphonies: Analysis, Reception and Cultural Politics
Horton, J. (2004). Bruckner's Symphonies: Analysis, Reception and Cultural Politics. Cambridge University Press
Outputs (20)
Armenian Music: a Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography (2004)
McCollum, J., & Nercessian, A. (2004). Armenian Music: a Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography. Scarecrow PressThe following text is taken from the Scarecrow Press website. "More than a bibliography, McCollum's work also deals with issues of context and culture that will be of interest to ethnomusicologists working in the area of Armenian music. It also inclu... Read More about Armenian Music: a Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography.
Nature and the Sublime: the Politics of Order and Disorder in Twentieth-Century Music. (2004)
Book Chapter
Paddison, M. (2004). Nature and the Sublime: the Politics of Order and Disorder in Twentieth-Century Music. In J. Dunsby, J. N. Straus, Y. Knockaert, M. Paddison, & K. Boehmer (Eds.), Order and Disorder: Music-Theoretical Strategies in Twentieth-Century Music (107 - 136). Leuven University Press
Metaphor and Musical Thought (2004)
Spitzer, M. (2004). Metaphor and Musical Thought. The University of Chicago PressThe following text is taken from the publisher's website. "The experience of music is an abstract and elusive one, enough so that we're often forced to describe it using analogies to other forms and sensations: we say that music moves or rises like a... Read More about Metaphor and Musical Thought.
Recent Developments in Bruckner Scholarship (2004)
Journal Article
Horton, J. (2004). Recent Developments in Bruckner Scholarship. Music and Letters, 85(1), 83-94.
'Aspects of time in the creation of music II: reponses and new departures'. (2004)
Journal Article
Paddison, M. (2004). 'Aspects of time in the creation of music II: reponses and new departures'. Musicae Scientiae, Discussion Forum 3.(Aspects du temps dans la creation musicale.), 89-99
The role of melodic and temporal cues in perceiving musical meter (2004)
Journal Article
Hannon, E., Snyder, J., Eerola, T., & Krumhansl, C. (2004). The role of melodic and temporal cues in perceiving musical meter. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 956-974
Bruckner and the Symphony Orchestra (2004)
Book Chapter
Horton, J. (2004). Bruckner and the Symphony Orchestra. In J. Williamson (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner (138-169). Cambridge University Press
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D minor Thomas Attwood Walmisley (2004)
Dibble, J. C. (2004). Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D minor Thomas Attwood Walmisley. [Dataset]
A Stanford Anthology (2004)
Dibble, J. (2004). A Stanford Anthology. [Dataset]