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Outputs (22)

Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual (2011)
Journal Article
Lucas, G., Clayton, M., & Leante, L. (2011). Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual. Empirical Musicology Review, 6(2), 75-102

This paper investigates the phenomenon of entrainment between independent groups of musicians in the context of Afro-Brazilian Congado performance. Based on audiovisual recordings made during a festival in May 2006, we present analyses of four differ... Read More about Inter-group Entrainment in Afro-Brazilian Congado Ritual.

Gesture in Performance (2010)
Book Chapter
Dahl, S., Bevilacqua, F., Bresin, R., Clayton, M., Leante, L., Poggi, I., & Rasamimanana, N. (2010). Gesture in Performance. In R. I. Godøy, & M. Leman (Eds.), Musical Gestures (36-68). Routledge

Contesti e pratiche di performance del bhangra in Punjab e nella diaspora (2010)
Journal Article
Leante, L. (2010). Contesti e pratiche di performance del bhangra in Punjab e nella diaspora

Il bhangra sembra avere avuto origine nella regione del Punjab che corrisponde all’attuale area nord-orientale del Pakistan, dove una danza rurale con questo nome era diffusa nella prima metà del ventesimo secolo. Tuttavia, oggi il termine “bhangra”... Read More about Contesti e pratiche di performance del bhangra in Punjab e nella diaspora.

The Lotus and the King: Imagery, Gesture and Meaning in a Hindustani Rāg (2009)
Journal Article
Leante, L. (2009). The Lotus and the King: Imagery, Gesture and Meaning in a Hindustani Rāg. Ethnomusicology Forum, 18(2), 185-206.

This article brings together investigation of gesture and imagery in the study of North Indian classical music, focusing on a particular rāg—Śrī rāg—in detail. The research, based on extensive ethnography and analysis of audiovisual recordings, revea... Read More about The Lotus and the King: Imagery, Gesture and Meaning in a Hindustani Rāg.

Urban Myth: bhangra and the dhol craze in the UK (2009)
Book Chapter
Leante, L. (2009). Urban Myth: bhangra and the dhol craze in the UK. In B. Clausen, U. Hemetek, & E. Saether (Eds.), Music in motion : diversity and dialogue in Europe (191-207). Transcript Verlag

Bhangra is believed to have originated in Western Punjab (in today’s Pakistan) as a rural male dance performed to the rhythm of the dhol, a large double-headed barrel drum, to celebrate the spring harvest. Soon after Indian Partition in 1947 and foll... Read More about Urban Myth: bhangra and the dhol craze in the UK.