Hymns and Constructions of Race: Mobility, Agency, De/coloniality
Johnson-Williams, E., & Burnett, P. (Eds.). (in press). Hymns and Constructions of Race: Mobility, Agency, De/coloniality. under contract, Routledge
Outputs (20)
Archiving the audible debris of empire: on a mission between Africa and Britain (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E. (2023). Archiving the audible debris of empire: on a mission between Africa and Britain. Postcolonial Studies, 26(3), 360-385. https://doi.org/10.1080/13688790.2023.2243082Derrida’s work on ‘archive fever’ has prompted a great deal of academic reflection about the archive and what a critical ‘archiving’ of the past can imply for our understanding of the present. And yet, if the object of historical study is musical sou... Read More about Archiving the audible debris of empire: on a mission between Africa and Britain.
Sonic Congregating: The Hymn as National British Spectacle (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E. (2023). Sonic Congregating: The Hymn as National British Spectacle. Yale Journal of Music & Religion, 8(2), 125-147. https://doi.org/10.17132/2377-231x.1248
The Art of Appreciation: Music and Middlebrow Culture in Modern Britain (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E. (2023). The Art of Appreciation: Music and Middlebrow Culture in Modern Britain. Journal of British Studies, 62(2), 563-564. https://doi.org/10.1017/jbr.2023.60
(Special Section Introduction) Hymns Beyond the Congregation: Constructions of Identity and Legacies of Meaning (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E., & Burnett, P. (2022). (Special Section Introduction) Hymns Beyond the Congregation: Constructions of Identity and Legacies of Meaning. Yale Journal of Music & Religion, 8(2), 85-89. https://doi.org/10.17132/2377-231x/1269
Introduction (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E., & Meinhart, M. (2022). Introduction
Silencing "Savage" Soundscapes: Hearing C-Section Births in the British Imperial Record (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E. (2022). Silencing "Savage" Soundscapes: Hearing C-Section Births in the British Imperial Record. Women & music, 26, 101-124. https://doi.org/10.1353/wam.2022.0005Birth by c-section is often as assumed to be the quieter option for delivery. Yet the possibility of receiving pain medication sufficient to numb the highly invasive incision is only relatively recent. Indeed, it is only in the twentieth century that... Read More about Silencing "Savage" Soundscapes: Hearing C-Section Births in the British Imperial Record.
Introduction: Encountering the Intersectional Archive (2022)
Book Chapter
Bryant Davies, R., & Johnson-Williams, E. (2022). Introduction: Encountering the Intersectional Archive. In R. Bryant Davies, & E. Johnson-Williams (Eds.), Intersectional Encounters in the Nineteenth-Century Archive: New Essays on Power and Discourse (1-30). Bloomsbury Academic
Enclosing Archival Sound: Colonial Singing as Discipline and Resistance (2022)
Book Chapter
Johnson-Williams, E. (2022). Enclosing Archival Sound: Colonial Singing as Discipline and Resistance. In R. Bryant Davies, & E. Johnson-Williams (Eds.), Intersectional Encounters in the Nineteenth-Century Archive: New Essays on Power and Discourse (115-136). Bloomsbury Academic
‘The Concertina's Deadly Work in the Trenches’: Soundscapes of Suffering in the South African War (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson-Williams, E. (2023). ‘The Concertina's Deadly Work in the Trenches’: Soundscapes of Suffering in the South African War. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 20(1), 119-151. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1479409822000040Under the recurring headline ‘the Concertina's Deadly Work in the Trenches’, several British newspapers reported in early 1900 that, during the ongoing siege of Mafeking, British army concertina players were capturing enemy soldiers by simply playing... Read More about ‘The Concertina's Deadly Work in the Trenches’: Soundscapes of Suffering in the South African War.