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Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago (2022)
Book Chapter
Kristoffersen, B., Bridge, G., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago. In F. Polack, & D. Farquharson (Eds.), Cold Water Oil: Offshore Petroleum Cultures (176-193). Routledge

This chapter analyses how the petroleum industry operates across multiple temporal frames. The authors then go on to illustrate how, when communities debate their petroleum futures, the “anticipatory temporalities” of petroleum abundance, technology,... Read More about Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago.

Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance (2022)
Journal Article
Conde, M., Mondré, A., Peters, K., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance. Maritime Studies, 21(3), 327-338.

In spite of a proliferation of academic and policy-oriented interest in deep sea mining (DSM), this paper argues that two underlying questions remain underexplored. The first relates to what exactly the seabed is; the second to who the stakeholders a... Read More about Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance.