Multiple social categorization
Book Chapter
Crisp, R. J., & Hewstone, M. (2007). Multiple social categorization. In M. Zanna (Ed.), ADANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, VOL 39 (163-254). ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC.
Outputs (5)
Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes (2007)
Journal Article
Turner, R. N., Crisp, R. J., & Lambert, E. (2007). Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10(4), 427-441.
Superordinate and subgroup identification as predictors of intergroup evaluation in common ingroup contexts (2007)
Journal Article
Stone, C. H., & Crisp, R. J. (2007). Superordinate and subgroup identification as predictors of intergroup evaluation in common ingroup contexts. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10(4), 493-513.
Choking under pressure: When an additional positive stereotype affects performance for domain identified male mathematics students (2007)
Journal Article
Rosenthal, H., & Crisp, R. (2007). Choking under pressure: When an additional positive stereotype affects performance for domain identified male mathematics students. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 22(3), 317-326. research aimed to establish if the presentation of two positive stereotypes would result in choking under pressure for identified male mathematics students. Seventy-five 16 year old men, who had just commenced their AS-level study, were either m... Read More about Choking under pressure: When an additional positive stereotype affects performance for domain identified male mathematics students.
Seeing red or feeling blue: Differentiated intergroup emotions and ingroup identification in soccer fans (2007)
Journal Article
Crisp, R. J., Heuston, S., Farr, M. J., & Turner, R. N. (2007). Seeing red or feeling blue: Differentiated intergroup emotions and ingroup identification in soccer fans. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10(1), 9-26.