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Outputs (23)

Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language (2015)
Journal Article
Morgan, T., Uomini, N., Rendell, L., Chouinard-Thuly, L., Street, S., Lewis, H., …Laland, K. (2015). Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language. Nature Communications, 6, Article 6029.

Hominin reliance on Oldowan stone tools—which appear from 2.5 mya and are believed to have been socially transmitted—has been hypothesized to have led to the evolution of teaching and language. Here we present an experiment investigating the efficacy... Read More about Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language.

Comment: Beyond “Evolutionary versus Social”: Moving the Cycle Shift Debate Forward (2014)
Journal Article
Brown, G., Cross, C., Street, S., & Brand, C. (2014). Comment: Beyond “Evolutionary versus Social”: Moving the Cycle Shift Debate Forward. Emotion Review, 6(3), 250-251.

Wood, Kressel, Joshi, and Louie (2014) thoroughly evaluate the evidence for menstrual cycle shifts in ratings of several male characteristics and conclude that their analyses fail to provide supportive evidence for consistent cycle effects. The topic... Read More about Comment: Beyond “Evolutionary versus Social”: Moving the Cycle Shift Debate Forward.

The evolution of cerebellum structure correlates with nest complexity (2013)
Journal Article
Hall, Z., Street, S., & Healy, S. (2013). The evolution of cerebellum structure correlates with nest complexity. Biology Letters, 9(6), Article 20130687.

Across the brains of different bird species, the cerebellum varies greatly in the amount of surface folding (foliation). The degree of cerebellar foliation is thought to correlate positively with the processing capacity of the cerebellum, supporting... Read More about The evolution of cerebellum structure correlates with nest complexity.