Magnetization dynamics of
nanowires with continuous width modulation
Journal Article
nanowires with continuous width modulation. Physical Review B, 95(22),
Outputs (20)
Fragmentation and adhesion properties of CoFeB thin films on polyimide substrate (2017)
Journal Article
Faurie, D., Zighem, F., Garcia-Sanchez, A., Lupo, P., & Adeyeye, A. (2017). Fragmentation and adhesion properties of CoFeB thin films on polyimide substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 110(9),
Tunable microwave properties of rhomboid shaped nanomagnet pairs (2017)
Journal Article
Tian, C., & Adeyeye, A. O. (2017). Tunable microwave properties of rhomboid shaped nanomagnet pairs. Applied Physics Letters, 111(26),
Programmability of Co-antidot lattices of optimized geometry (2017)
Journal Article
Schneider, T., Langer, M., Alekhina, J., Kowalska, E., Oelschlägel, A., Semisalova, A., Neudert, A., Lenz, K., Potzger, K., Kostylev, M. P., Fassbender, J., Adeyeye, A. O., Lindner, J., & Bali, R. (2017). Programmability of Co-antidot lattices of optimized geometry. Scientific Reports, 7(1),
Spin-wave nonreciprocity and magnonic band structure in a thin permalloy film induced by dynamical coupling with an array of Ni stripes (2017)
Journal Article
Mruczkiewicz, M., Graczyk, P., Lupo, P., Adeyeye, A., Gubbiotti, G., & Krawczyk, M. (2017). Spin-wave nonreciprocity and magnonic band structure in a thin permalloy film induced by dynamical coupling with an array of Ni stripes. Physical Review B, 96(10),
Spin wave modes in out-of-plane magnetized nanorings (2017)
Journal Article
Zhou, X., Tartakovskaya, E., Kakazei, G., & Adeyeye, A. (2017). Spin wave modes in out-of-plane magnetized nanorings. Physical Review B, 96(2),
Covert carnivory? A seed-predating primate, the golden-backed uacari, shows preferences for insect-infested fruits. (2017)
Journal Article
Barnett, A., Ronchi-Teles, B., Silva, W., Andrade, R., Almeida, T., Bezerra, B., Goncalves de Lima, M., Spironello, W., MacLarnon, A., Ross, C., & Shaw, P. (2017). Covert carnivory? A seed-predating primate, the golden-backed uacari, shows preferences for insect-infested fruits
Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission (2017)
Journal Article
Carne, C., Semple, S., MacLarnon, A., Majolo, B., & Marechal, L. (2017). Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission. EcoHealth, 14(4), 704-717. wildlife tourism, proximity or actual contact between people and animals may lead to a significant risk of anthropozoonotic disease transmission. In this paper, we use social network analysis, disease simulation modelling and data on animal he... Read More about Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission.
The PARALLEL Study (imPAct of expeRiencing Another’s seLf harm and suicidaL bEhaviour in hospitaL) (2017)
Journal Article
Hargate, R., Howden, S., Tarpey, E., & Walker, T. (2017). The PARALLEL Study (imPAct of expeRiencing Another’s seLf harm and suicidaL bEhaviour in hospitaL). The Journal of Forensic Practice, 19(4), 258-268.
A Space for Policy Legacy: An Ethnographic Exploration of a Secondary Schools Commitment to Creativity after National Policy Priorities Have Changed (2017)
Journal Article
Moger, P., & Bagley, C. (2019). A Space for Policy Legacy: An Ethnographic Exploration of a Secondary Schools Commitment to Creativity after National Policy Priorities Have Changed. Ethnography and Education, 14(1), 101-118. qualitative research in the field of policy enactment has tended to focus on investigating existing national policy discourse and the ways in which this discourse is creatively reconstituted in school-based contexts of practice. In this paper... Read More about A Space for Policy Legacy: An Ethnographic Exploration of a Secondary Schools Commitment to Creativity after National Policy Priorities Have Changed.