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Outputs (7)

Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe (2002)
Book Chapter
Halliday, D., Potter, M., Boyle, D., & Durose, K. (2002). Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe. In R. Birkmire, R. Noufi, D. Lincot, & H. Schock (Eds.), Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaic Materials: 2001 MRS Spring Meeting - Symposium H – II-IV (H1.8.1 - H1.8.6). Cambridge University Press.

We have ion implanted a series of dopants into single crystal CdTe. The influence of the impurities on the CdTe has been studied by low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy. The impurities studied are: O, Cl, Cu, S, Na and Sb, and were selected... Read More about Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe.

Steady State Photoconductivity In Conjugated Polymers (2002)
Book Chapter
Sitch, C., Halliday, D., & Monkman, A. (2002). Steady State Photoconductivity In Conjugated Polymers. In G. E. Jabbour, & N. S. Sariciftci (Eds.), Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers and Oligomers (327-331). Materials Research Society

A Comparison of Students' Evaluations of a Peer-delivered Sex Education Programme and Teacher-led Provision (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, S., Strange, V., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). A Comparison of Students' Evaluations of a Peer-delivered Sex Education Programme and Teacher-led Provision. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 2(3), 195-214.

This article reports data from the process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of peer-led sex education in English secondary schools. Data from 52 focus group discussions in 19 schools and selected items from a questionnaire survey completed... Read More about A Comparison of Students' Evaluations of a Peer-delivered Sex Education Programme and Teacher-led Provision.

Peer-led Sex Education : characteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme (2002)
Journal Article
Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). Peer-led Sex Education : characteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme. Health Education Research, 17(3), 327-337.

The RIPPLE study is a randomized controlled trial of peer-led sex education in English secondary schools. In 1997, 27 schools were recruited and randomly allocated to a programme of peer-led sex education or to act as control schools. In experimental... Read More about Peer-led Sex Education : characteristics of peer educators and their perceptions of the impact on them of participation in a peer education programme.

What influences peer-led sex education in the classroom? A view from the peer educators (2002)
Journal Article
Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., & team, &. T. R. (2002). What influences peer-led sex education in the classroom? A view from the peer educators. Health Education Research, 17(3), 339-349.

This paper is the second of two presenting data gathered from peer educators in the RIPPLE study—a randomized controlled trial of peer-led sex education in English secondary schools. Peer educators were recruited from Year 12 students (aged 16/17 yea... Read More about What influences peer-led sex education in the classroom? A view from the peer educators.