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Outputs (16)

Programmed cell death during development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp.)) seed coat (2014)
Journal Article
Lima, N., Trindade, F., da Cunha, M., Oliviera, A., Lindsey, K., Topping, J., & Fernandes, K. (2015). Programmed cell death during development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp.)) seed coat. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38(4), 718-728.

The seed coat develops primarily from maternal tissues and comprises multiple cell layers at maturity, providing a metabolically dynamic interface between the developing embryo and the environment during embryogenesis, dormancy and germination of see... Read More about Programmed cell death during development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp.)) seed coat.

POLARIS. (2013)
Book Chapter
Lindsey, K., Mehdi, S., Casson, S., Mudge, A., Topping, J., & Liu, J. (2013). POLARIS. In A. Kastin (Ed.), The Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, 2nd Edition (40-45). (2nd.). Academic Press

Transcriptional analysis through RNA sequencing of giant cells induced by Meloidogyne graminicola in rice roots (2013)
Journal Article
Ji, H., Kyndt, T., Denil, S., Lindsey, K., Topping, J., Nahar, K., …Gheysen, G. (2013). Transcriptional analysis through RNA sequencing of giant cells induced by Meloidogyne graminicola in rice roots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(13), 3885-3898.

One of the reasons for the progressive yield decline observed in aerobic rice production is the rapid build-up of populations of the rice root knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola. These nematodes induce specialized feeding cells inside root tissue,... Read More about Transcriptional analysis through RNA sequencing of giant cells induced by Meloidogyne graminicola in rice roots.

Interaction of PLS and PIN and hormonal crosstalk in Arabidopsis root development (2013)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Mehdi, S., Topping, J., Friml, J., & Lindsey, K. (2013). Interaction of PLS and PIN and hormonal crosstalk in Arabidopsis root development. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4, Article 75.

Understanding how hormones and genes interact to coordinate plant growth is a major challenge in developmental biology. The activities of auxin, ethylene, and cytokinin depend on cellular context and exhibit either synergistic or antagonistic interac... Read More about Interaction of PLS and PIN and hormonal crosstalk in Arabidopsis root development.

Distinct and conserved transcriptomic changes during nematode-induced giant cell development in tomato compared with Arabidopsis: a functional role for gene repression (2013)
Journal Article
Portillo, M., Cabrera, J., Lindsey, K., Topping, J., Andrés, M., Emiliozzi, M., …Escobar, C. (2013). Distinct and conserved transcriptomic changes during nematode-induced giant cell development in tomato compared with Arabidopsis: a functional role for gene repression. New Phytologist, 197(4), 1276-1290.

Summary: Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) induce giant cells (GCs) from root vascular cells inside the galls. Accompanying molecular changes as a function of infection time and across different species, and their functional impact, are still poorly underst... Read More about Distinct and conserved transcriptomic changes during nematode-induced giant cell development in tomato compared with Arabidopsis: a functional role for gene repression.