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Outputs (16)

MERISTEM-DEFECTIVE regulates the balance between stemness and differentiation in the root meristem through RNA splicing control (2023)
Journal Article
Thompson, H., Shen, W., Matus, R., Kakkar, M., Jones, C., Dolan, D., Grellscheid, S., Yang, X., Zhang, N., Mozaffari-Jovin, S., Chen, C., Zhang, X., Topping, J., & Lindsey, K. (2023). MERISTEM-DEFECTIVE regulates the balance between stemness and differentiation in the root meristem through RNA splicing control. Development, 150(7), Article dev201476.

Plants respond to environmental stresses through controlled stem cell maintenance and meristem activity. One level of gene regulation is RNA alternative splicing. However, the mechanistic link between stress, meristem function and RNA splicing is poo... Read More about MERISTEM-DEFECTIVE regulates the balance between stemness and differentiation in the root meristem through RNA splicing control.

Putrescine depletion affects Arabidopsis root meristem size by modulating auxin and cytokinin signaling and ROS accumulation (2021)
Journal Article
Hashem, A., Moore, S., Chen, S., Hu, C., Zhao, Q., IE Elasawi, I., Feng, Y., Topping, J., Liu, J., Lindsey, K., & Chen, C. (2021). Putrescine depletion affects Arabidopsis root meristem size by modulating auxin and cytokinin signaling and ROS accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(8), Article 4094.

Polyamines (PAs) dramatically affect root architecture and development, mainly by unknown mechanisms; however, accumulating evidence points to hormone signaling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) as candidate mechanisms. To test this hypothesis, PA le... Read More about Putrescine depletion affects Arabidopsis root meristem size by modulating auxin and cytokinin signaling and ROS accumulation.

The Arabidopsis R-SNARE VAMP714 is essential for polarization of PIN proteins and auxin responses (2021)
Journal Article
Gu, X., Fonseka, K., Agneessens, J., Casson, S., Smertenko, A., Guo, G., Topping, J., Hussey, P., & Lindsey, K. (2021). The Arabidopsis R-SNARE VAMP714 is essential for polarization of PIN proteins and auxin responses. New Phytologist, 230(2), 550-566.

The plant hormone auxin and its directional intercellular transport play a major role in diverse aspects of plant growth and development. The establishment of auxin gradients requires the asymmetric distribution of members of the auxin efflux carrier... Read More about The Arabidopsis R-SNARE VAMP714 is essential for polarization of PIN proteins and auxin responses.

Gibberellin signaling mediates lateral root inhibition in response to K+-deprivation (2021)
Journal Article
Hetherington, F., Kakkar, M., Topping, J., & Lindsey, K. (2021). Gibberellin signaling mediates lateral root inhibition in response to K+-deprivation. Plant Physiology, 185(3), 1198-1215.

The potassium ion (K+) is vital for plant growth and development, and K+-deprivation leads to reduced crop yields. Here we describe phenotypic, transcriptomic, and mutant analyses to investigate the signaling mechanisms mediating root architectural c... Read More about Gibberellin signaling mediates lateral root inhibition in response to K+-deprivation.

Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants? (2020)
Journal Article
Andrews, M., Condron, L., Kemp, P., Topping, J., Lindsey, K., Hodge, S., & Raven, J. (2020). Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants?. Physiologia Plantarum, 170(1), 40-45.

Bloom et al. (2019) proposed that rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations “inhibit malate production in chloroplasts and thus impede assimilation of nitrate into protein of C3 plants, a phenomenon that will strongly influence primary productivity and f... Read More about Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants?.

Epidermal expression of a sterol biosynthesis gene regulates root growth by a non-cell autonomous mechanism in Arabidopsis (2018)
Journal Article
Short, E., Pullen, M., Imriz, G., Liu, D., Cope-Selby, N., Hetherington, F., …Lindsey, K. (2018). Epidermal expression of a sterol biosynthesis gene regulates root growth by a non-cell autonomous mechanism in Arabidopsis. Development, 145(10), Article dev160572.

The epidermis is hypothesized to play a signalling role during plant development. One class of mutants showing defects in signal transduction and radial patterning are those in sterol biosynthesis. The expectation is that living cells require sterols... Read More about Epidermal expression of a sterol biosynthesis gene regulates root growth by a non-cell autonomous mechanism in Arabidopsis.

Bayesian uncertainty analysis for complex systems biology models: emulation, global parameter searches and evaluation of gene functions (2018)
Journal Article
Vernon, I., Liu, J., Goldstein, M., Rowe, J., Topping, J., & Lindsey, K. (2018). Bayesian uncertainty analysis for complex systems biology models: emulation, global parameter searches and evaluation of gene functions. BMC systems biology, 12, Article 1.

Many mathematical models have now been employed across every area of systems biology. These models increasingly involve large numbers of unknown parameters, have complex structure which can result in substantial evaluation time relative to the needs... Read More about Bayesian uncertainty analysis for complex systems biology models: emulation, global parameter searches and evaluation of gene functions.

The POLARIS Peptide: Role in Hormone Signalling and Root Growth (2016)
Book Chapter
Mehdi, S., Mudge, A., Rowe, J., Liu, J., Topping, J., & Lindsey, K. (2016). The POLARIS Peptide: Role in Hormone Signalling and Root Growth. In A. Huffaker, & G. Pearce (Eds.), Annual Plant Reviews: Peptide Signals in Plants. Wiley

Abscisic acid regulates root growth under osmotic stress conditions via an interacting hormonal network with cytokinin, ethylene and auxin (2016)
Journal Article
Rowe, J., Topping, J., Liu, J., & Lindsey, K. (2016). Abscisic acid regulates root growth under osmotic stress conditions via an interacting hormonal network with cytokinin, ethylene and auxin. New Phytologist, 211(1), 225-239.

Understanding the mechanisms regulating root development under drought conditions is an important question for plant biology and world agriculture. We examine the effect of osmotic stress on abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinin and ethylene responses and h... Read More about Abscisic acid regulates root growth under osmotic stress conditions via an interacting hormonal network with cytokinin, ethylene and auxin.

Spatiotemporal modelling of hormonal crosstalk explains the level and patterning of hormones and gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and mutant roots (2015)
Journal Article
Moore, S., Zhang, X., Mudge, A., Rowe, J., Topping, J., Liu, J., & Lindsey, K. (2015). Spatiotemporal modelling of hormonal crosstalk explains the level and patterning of hormones and gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and mutant roots. New Phytologist, 207(4), 1110-1122.

Patterning in Arabidopsis root development is coordinated via a localized auxin concentration maximum in the root tip, requiring the regulated expression of specific genes. However, little is known about how hormone and gene expression patterning is... Read More about Spatiotemporal modelling of hormonal crosstalk explains the level and patterning of hormones and gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and mutant roots.