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Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants? (2020)
Journal Article
Andrews, M., Condron, L., Kemp, P., Topping, J., Lindsey, K., Hodge, S., & Raven, J. (2020). Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants?. Physiologia Plantarum, 170(1), 40-45.

Bloom et al. (2019) proposed that rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations “inhibit malate production in chloroplasts and thus impede assimilation of nitrate into protein of C3 plants, a phenomenon that will strongly influence primary productivity and f... Read More about Will rising atmospheric CO2 concentration inhibit nitrate assimilation in shoots but enhance it in roots of C3 plants?.