Influence of diet and stress on reproductive hormones in Nigerian olive baboons
Journal Article
Lodge, E., Ross, C., Ortmann, S., & MacLarnon, A. (2013). Influence of diet and stress on reproductive hormones in Nigerian olive baboons. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 191, 146-154.
Outputs (78)
Arthropod Predation by a Specialist Seed Predator, the Golden-backed Uacari (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Pitheciidae) in Brazilian Amazonia (2013)
Journal Article
Barnett, A., Ronchi-Teles, B., Almeida, T., Deveny, A., Schiel-Baracuhy, V., Souza-Silva, W., Spironello, W., Ross, C., & MacLarnon, A. (2013). Arthropod Predation by a Specialist Seed Predator, the Golden-backed Uacari (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Pitheciidae) in Brazilian Amazonia. International Journal of Primatology, 34(3), 470-485.
Seasonal changes in the structure of rhesus macaque social networks (2013)
Journal Article
Brent, L. J., MacLarnon, A., Platt, M. L., & Semple, S. (2013). Seasonal changes in the structure of rhesus macaque social networks. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(3), 349-359.
Terrestrial Foraging by Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (Primates) in Amazonian Brazil: Is Choice of Seed Patch Size and Position Related to Predation Risk? (2012)
Journal Article
Barnett, A. A., Almeida, T., Spironello, W. R., Silva, W. S., MacLarnon, A., & Ross, C. (2012). Terrestrial Foraging by Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (Primates) in Amazonian Brazil: Is Choice of Seed Patch Size and Position Related to Predation Risk?. Folia Primatologica, 83(2), 126-139.
Terrestrial Activity in Pitheciins (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia) (2012)
Journal Article
Barnett, A. A., Boyle, S. A., Norconk, M. M., Palminteri, S., Santos, R. R., Veiga, L. M., Alvim, T. H., Bowler, M., Chism, J., Di Fiore, A., Fernandez-Duque, E., Guimaraes, A. C., Harrison-Levine, A., Haugaasen, T., Lehman, S., Mackinnon, K. C., De Melo, F. R., Moreira, L. S., Moura, V. S., Phillips, C. R., …Ferrari, S. F. (2012). Terrestrial Activity in Pitheciins (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia). American Journal of Primatology, 74(12), 1106-1127.
Evidence That Emotion Mediates Social Attention in Rhesus Macaques (2012)
Journal Article
Bethell, E. J., Holmes, A., MacLarnon, A., & Semple, S. (2012). Evidence That Emotion Mediates Social Attention in Rhesus Macaques. PLoS ONE, 7(8), Article e44387.
Paranasal sinus shape in Pleistocene hominins (2012)
Journal Article
Buck, L. T., Stringer, C. B., Maclarnon, A. M., & Rae, T. C. (2012). Paranasal sinus shape in Pleistocene hominins. American journal of physical anthropology, 147(54),
An experimental study of behavioural coping strategies in free-ranging female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) (2012)
Journal Article
Gustison, M. L., Maclarnon, A., Wiper, S., & Semple, S. (2012). An experimental study of behavioural coping strategies in free-ranging female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 15(6), 608-617.
Primary seed dispersal by three Neotropical seed-predating primates (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Chiropotes chiropotes and Chiropotes albinasus) (2012)
Journal Article
Barnett, A. A., Boyle, S. A., Pinto, L. P., Lourenco, W. C., Almeida, T., Silva, W. S., Ronchi-Teles, B., Bezerra, B. M., Ross, C., MacLarnon, A., & Spironello, W. R. (2012). Primary seed dispersal by three Neotropical seed-predating primates (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Chiropotes chiropotes and Chiropotes albinasus). Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28(6), 543-555.
Sleeping site selection by golden-backed uacaris, Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (Pitheciidae), in Amazonian flooded forests (2012)
Journal Article
Barnett, A. A., Shaw, P., Spironello, W. R., MacLarnon, A., & Ross, C. (2012). Sleeping site selection by golden-backed uacaris, Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary (Pitheciidae), in Amazonian flooded forests. Primates, 53(3), 273-285.