Covert carnivory? A seed-predating primate, the golden-backed uacari, shows preferences for insect-infested fruits.
Journal Article
Barnett, A., Ronchi-Teles, B., Silva, W., Andrade, R., Almeida, T., Bezerra, B., Goncalves de Lima, M., Spironello, W., MacLarnon, A., Ross, C., & Shaw, P. (2017). Covert carnivory? A seed-predating primate, the golden-backed uacari, shows preferences for insect-infested fruits
Outputs (4)
Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission (2017)
Journal Article
Carne, C., Semple, S., MacLarnon, A., Majolo, B., & Marechal, L. (2017). Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission. EcoHealth, 14(4), 704-717. wildlife tourism, proximity or actual contact between people and animals may lead to a significant risk of anthropozoonotic disease transmission. In this paper, we use social network analysis, disease simulation modelling and data on animal he... Read More about Implications of Tourist-Macaque Interactions for Disease Transmission.
A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement (2017)
Journal Article
Kemp, C., Thatcher, H., Farningham, D., Witham, C., MacLarnon, A., Holmes, A., …Bethell, E. J. (2017). A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 197, 90-100. has been increased recognition of the 3Rs in laboratory animal management over the last decade, including improvements in animal handling and housing. For example, positive reinforcement is now more widely used to encourage primates to cooperat... Read More about A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement.
Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis (2017)
Journal Article
Rincon, A. V., Marechal, L., Semple, S., Majolo, B., & MacLarnon, A. (2017). Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis. American Journal of Primatology, 79(10), Article e22689. causes and consequences of variation in hormonal expression is a key focus in behavioral ecology. Many studies have explored patterns of secretion of the androgen testosterone in male vertebrates, using the challenge hypothesis (Wingfie... Read More about Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis.