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Outputs (5)

Primates' behavioural responses to tourists: evidence for a tradeoff between potential risks and benefits (2016)
Journal Article
Marechal, L., MacLarnon, A., Majolo, B., & Semple, S. (2016). Primates' behavioural responses to tourists: evidence for a tradeoff between potential risks and benefits. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 32465.

The presence of, and interactions with tourists can be both risky and beneficial for wild animals. In wildlife tourism settings, animals often experience elevated rates of aggression from conspecifics, and they may also be threatened or physically ag... Read More about Primates' behavioural responses to tourists: evidence for a tradeoff between potential risks and benefits.

Assessing the Effects of Tourist Provisioning on the Health of Wild Barbary Macaques in Morocco (2016)
Journal Article
Marechal, L., Semple, S., Majolo, B., & MacLarnon, A. (2016). Assessing the Effects of Tourist Provisioning on the Health of Wild Barbary Macaques in Morocco. PLoS ONE, 11(5), Article e0155920.

Feeding wildlife is a very popular tourist activity, largely because it facilitates the close observation of animals in their natural habitat. Such provisioning may benefit animals by improving their survival and reproductive success, especially duri... Read More about Assessing the Effects of Tourist Provisioning on the Health of Wild Barbary Macaques in Morocco.

Metabolic strategies in wild male Barbary macaques: evidence from faecal measurement of thyroid hormone (2016)
Journal Article
Cristobal-Azkarate, J., Marechal, L., Semple, S., Majolo, B., & MacLarnon, A. (2016). Metabolic strategies in wild male Barbary macaques: evidence from faecal measurement of thyroid hormone. Biology Letters, 12(4), Article 20160168.

Selection is expected to favour the evolution of flexible metabolic strategies, in response to environmental conditions. Here, we use a non-invasive index of basal metabolic rate (BMR), faecal thyroid hormone (T3) levels, to explore metabolic flexibi... Read More about Metabolic strategies in wild male Barbary macaques: evidence from faecal measurement of thyroid hormone.

Foraging with finesse: A hard-fruit-eating primate selects the weakest areas as bite sites (2016)
Journal Article
Barnett, A. A., Bezerra, B. M., Santos, P. J., Spironello, W. R., Shaw, P. J., MacLarnon, A., & Ross, C. (2016). Foraging with finesse: A hard-fruit-eating primate selects the weakest areas as bite sites. American journal of physical anthropology, 160(1), 113-125.

Objectives: Fruit husks are rarely uniformly hard, varying in penetrability via sulci and changes in thickness. We tested whether a hard‐food specialist primate i) bites randomly on food fruit husk surfaces to access seeds, or ii) selects areas most... Read More about Foraging with finesse: A hard-fruit-eating primate selects the weakest areas as bite sites.

Emotion Evaluation and Response Slowing in a Non-Human Primate: New Directions for Cognitive Bias Measures of Animal Emotion? (2016)
Journal Article
Bethell, E. J., Holmes, A., MacLarnon, A., & Semple, S. (2016). Emotion Evaluation and Response Slowing in a Non-Human Primate: New Directions for Cognitive Bias Measures of Animal Emotion?. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), Article 2.

The cognitive bias model of animal welfare assessment is informed by studies with humans demonstrating that the interaction between emotion and cognition can be detected using laboratory tasks. A limitation of cognitive bias tasks is the amount of tr... Read More about Emotion Evaluation and Response Slowing in a Non-Human Primate: New Directions for Cognitive Bias Measures of Animal Emotion?.