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Outputs (68)

Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models (2020)
Journal Article
Jevrejeva, S., Palanisamy, H., & Jackson, L. P. (2021). Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), Article 014028.

Most of the excess energy stored in the climate system is taken up by the oceans leading to thermal expansion and sea level rise. Future sea level projections allow decision-makers to assess coastal risk, develop climate resilient communities and pla... Read More about Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models.

Does Retrogression Always Account for the Large Volume of Submarine Megaslides? Evidence to the Contrary From the Tampen Slide, Offshore Norway (2020)
Journal Article
Barrett, R., Bellwald, B., Talling, P., Micallef, A., Gross, F., Berndt, C., …Krastel, S. (2021). Does Retrogression Always Account for the Large Volume of Submarine Megaslides? Evidence to the Contrary From the Tampen Slide, Offshore Norway. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 126(2), Article e2020JB020655.

Submarine landslides can be several orders of magnitude larger than their terrestrial counterparts and can pose significant hazards across entire ocean basins. The landslide failure mechanism strongly controls the associated tsunami hazard. The Tampe... Read More about Does Retrogression Always Account for the Large Volume of Submarine Megaslides? Evidence to the Contrary From the Tampen Slide, Offshore Norway.

Inertial drag and lift forces for coarse grains on rough alluvial beds measured using in-grain accelerometers (2020)
Journal Article
Maniatis, G., Hoey, T., Hodge, R., Rickenmann, D., & Badoux, A. (2020). Inertial drag and lift forces for coarse grains on rough alluvial beds measured using in-grain accelerometers. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8, 1067-1099.

Quantifying the force regime that controls the movement of a single grain during fluvial transport has historically proven to be difficult. Inertial micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) sensors (sensor assemblies that mainly comprise micro-accelerom... Read More about Inertial drag and lift forces for coarse grains on rough alluvial beds measured using in-grain accelerometers.

The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds (2020)
Journal Article
Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., Aybar, M., Calleja, P., Nerenberg, R., Sinha, S., …Christensen, K. (2021). The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds. Water Resources Research, 57(2), Article e2019WR026032.

Despite an increasingly large body of work advancing our understanding of flow interactions occurring at the interface of a turbulent flow overlying a permeable bed, little is known concerning how such flow may be affected by the presence of biofilms... Read More about The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds.

Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica (2020)
Journal Article
Napoleoni, F., Jamieson, S., Ross, N., Bentley, M., Rivera, A., Smith, A., …Vaughan, D. (2020). Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 14, 4507-4524.

Subglacial water plays an important role in ice sheet dynamics and stability. Subglacial lakes are often located at the onset of ice streams and have been hypothesised to enhance ice flow downstream by lubricating the ice– bed interface. The most rec... Read More about Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica.

An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers (2020)
Journal Article
Schwab, M., Hilton, R., Raymond, P., Haghipour, N., Amos, E., Tank, S., …Eglinton, T. (2020). An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(23), Article e2020GL088823.

Permafrost thaw in Arctic watersheds threatens to mobilize hitherto sequestered carbon. We examine the radiocarbon activity (F14C) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the northern Mackenzie River basin. From 2003‐2017, DOC‐F14C signatures (1.00 ± 0.... Read More about An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers.

Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Edge Degradation: Gold Mining in Guyana as a Case Study (2020)
Journal Article
Brown, S., Mahmood, A. R., Goslee, K. M., Pearson, T. R., Sukhdeo, H., Donoghue, D. N., & Watt, P. (2020). Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Edge Degradation: Gold Mining in Guyana as a Case Study. Forests, 11(12), Article 1307.

Background and Methods: Degradation of forests in developing countries results from multiple activities and is perceived to be a key source of greenhouse gas emissions, yet there are not reliable methodologies to measure and monitor emissions from al... Read More about Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Edge Degradation: Gold Mining in Guyana as a Case Study.

Distribution and seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica (2020)
Journal Article
Arthur, J., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Carr, J., & Leeson, A. (2020). Distribution and seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 14(11), 4103-4120.

Supraglacial lakes (SGLs) enhance surface melting and can flex and fracture ice shelves when they grow and subsequently drain, potentially leading to ice shelf disintegration. However, the seasonal evolution of SGLs and their influence on ice shelf s... Read More about Distribution and seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): Interventions, Impacts and Challenges (2020)
Journal Article
Cotterill, S., & Bracken, L. J. (2020). Assessing the Effectiveness of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): Interventions, Impacts and Challenges. Water, 12(11), Article 3160.

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be a key tool in the management of extremes of rainfall, due to their capacity to attenuate and treat surface water. Yet, implementation is a complex process, requiring buy-in from multiple stakeholders. Buy-in... Read More about Assessing the Effectiveness of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): Interventions, Impacts and Challenges.

Long-term increase in Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerability driven by bed topography evolution (2020)
Journal Article
Paxman, G., Gasson, E., Jamieson, S., Bentley, M., & Ferraccioli, F. (2020). Long-term increase in Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerability driven by bed topography evolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(20), Article e2020GL090003.

Ice sheet behavior is strongly influenced by the bed topography. However, the effect of the progressive temporal evolution of Antarctica's subglacial landscape on the sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) to climatic and oceanic change has yet... Read More about Long-term increase in Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerability driven by bed topography evolution.

The problem of underpowered rivers (2020)
Journal Article
Worrall, F., Burt, T. P., Hancock, G. R., Howden, N. J., & Wainwright, J. (2020). The problem of underpowered rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(15), 3869-3878.

This study has hypothesized that for many rivers the trade‐off between flow accumulation and the decrease in slope along channel length means that stream power increases downstream and, moreover, that given the low slope angles in headwater and low‐o... Read More about The problem of underpowered rivers.

Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh (2020)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H., Rahman, M., Bracken, L., & Sudha, S. (2021). Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh. Environment and Urbanization, 33(1), 239-254.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving urban crisis. This research paper assesses impacts of the lockdown on food security and associated coping mechanisms in two small cities in Bangladesh (Mongla and Noapara) during March to May 2020. Due to restrict... Read More about Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh.

Field monitoring of soil-moisture to understand the hydrological response of a road-cut slope (2020)
Book Chapter
Pradhan, S., Toll, D., Rosser, N., & Brain, M. (2020). Field monitoring of soil-moisture to understand the hydrological response of a road-cut slope. In R. Cardoso, C. Jommi, & E. Romero (Eds.), 4th European Conference on Unsaturated Soils (E-UNSAT 2020). EDP Sciences.

Rainfall and slope-cutting for road construction are two key landslide causative factors in Nepal, but how they interact to cause failures is poorly understood. To improve understanding of the effects of cut slopes during rainfall, geotechnical inves... Read More about Field monitoring of soil-moisture to understand the hydrological response of a road-cut slope.

How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau (2020)
Journal Article
Mason, D., Iida, A., Watanabe, S., Jackson, L. P., & Yokohari, M. (2020). How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), Article 114007.

The increasing risk of coastal flooding and water shortage in Pacific Island Countries is usually attributed to climate change hazards. This ignores other risk components, exposure and vulnerability, of which a major contributor is urbanization. We d... Read More about How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau.

Monitoring soil erosion on agricultural land: results and implications for the Rother valley, West Sussex, UK (2020)
Journal Article
Boardman, J., Burt, T., & Foster, I. (2020). Monitoring soil erosion on agricultural land: results and implications for the Rother valley, West Sussex, UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(15), 3931-3942.

Monitoring has played a key role in understanding the rates, extent and frequency of erosion on agricultural land and this includes projects in Switzerland, Germany and the UK. In this case we focus on highly erodible soils in the Rother valley, West... Read More about Monitoring soil erosion on agricultural land: results and implications for the Rother valley, West Sussex, UK.