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Nonlinear optics using cold Rydberg atoms (2013)
Book Chapter
Pritchard, J., Weatherill, K., & Adams, C. (2013). Nonlinear optics using cold Rydberg atoms. In K. Madison, Y. Wang, A. M. Rey, & P. K. Bongs (Eds.), Annual review of cold atoms and molecules (301-350). World Scientific Publishing.

The implementation of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a cold Rydberg gas provides an attractive route towards strong photon–photon interactions and fully deterministic all-optical quantum information processing. In this brief review... Read More about Nonlinear optics using cold Rydberg atoms.

Optical coherences and wavelength mismatch in ladder systems (2013)
Journal Article
Urvoy, A., Carr, C., Ritter, R., Adams, C., Weatherill, K., & Löw, R. (2013). Optical coherences and wavelength mismatch in ladder systems. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 46(24), Article 245001.

We investigate experimentally and theoretically the coherent and incoherent processes in open three-level ladder systems in room temperature gases and identify in which regime electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) occurs. The peculiarity of... Read More about Optical coherences and wavelength mismatch in ladder systems.

Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit (2013)
Journal Article
Mizouri, A., Deng, L., Eardley, J., Nahler, N., Wrede, E., & Carty, D. (2013). Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(45), 19575-19579.

The absolute density of SD radicals in a supersonic jet has been measured down to (1.1 ± 0.1) × 105 cm−3 in a modestly specified apparatus that uses a cross-correlated combination of cavity ring-down and laser-induced fluorescence detection. Such a d... Read More about Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit.

A quantum state of matter (2013)
Journal Article
Jones, M. (2013). A quantum state of matter

AS THEORETICAL AND experimental physicists probe deeper into the quantum nature of reality, technological advances made in recent years have allowed for a consistent narrowing of the gap between the two approaches. The development and refinement of l... Read More about A quantum state of matter.

Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons (2013)
Journal Article
Gertjerenken, B., Billam, T., Blackley, C., Le Sueur, C., Khaykovich, L., Cornish, S., & Weiss, C. (2013). Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons. Physical Review Letters, 111(10), Article 100406.

We investigate numerically the collisions of two distinguishable quantum matter-wave bright solitons in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. We show that such collisions can be used to generate mesoscopic Bell states that can reliably be distinguished fr... Read More about Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons.

Beyond-mean-field behavior of large Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials (2013)
Journal Article
Gertjerenken, B., & Weiss, C. (2013). Beyond-mean-field behavior of large Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials. Physical Review A, 88(3), Article 033608.

For the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), differences between mean-field (Gross-Pitaevskii) physics and N-particle quantum physics often disappear if the BEC becomes larger and larger. In particular, the time scale for which both dynamics... Read More about Beyond-mean-field behavior of large Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials.

Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope (2013)
Journal Article
Lochead, G., Boddy, D., Sadler, D., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2013). Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope. Physical Review A, 87(5), Article 053409.

We report on a scanning microscopy technique for atom-number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms. A tightly focused laser beam leads to local autoionization and the resulting ions are counted electronically. Scanning the beam across the cloud bui... Read More about Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope.

Fast and quasideterministic single ion source from a dipole-blockaded atomic ensemble (2013)
Journal Article
Ates, C., Lesanovsky, I., Adams, C., & Weatherill, K. (2013). Fast and quasideterministic single ion source from a dipole-blockaded atomic ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 110(21), Article 213003.

We present a fast and quasideterministic protocol for the production of single ions and electrons from a cloud of laser-cooled atoms. The approach is based on a two-step process where first a single Rydberg atom is photoexcited from a dipole-blockade... Read More about Fast and quasideterministic single ion source from a dipole-blockaded atomic ensemble.

Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave (2013)
Journal Article
Marchant, A., Billam, T., Wiles, T., Yu, M., Gardiner, S., & Cornish, S. (2013). Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave. Nature Communications, 4, Article 1865.

Bright solitons are non-dispersive wave solutions, arising in a diverse range of nonlinear, one-dimensional systems, including atomic Bose–Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. In reality, cold-atom experiments can only approach the idea... Read More about Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave.

Collision dynamics and entanglement generation of two initially independent and indistinguishable boson pairs in one-dimensional harmonic confinement (2013)
Journal Article
Holdaway, D., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2013). Collision dynamics and entanglement generation of two initially independent and indistinguishable boson pairs in one-dimensional harmonic confinement. Physical Review A, 87(4), Article 043632.

We investigate finite-number effects in collisions between two states of an initially well-known number of identical bosons with contact interactions, oscillating in the presence of harmonic confinement in one dimension. We investigate two N/2 (inter... Read More about Collision dynamics and entanglement generation of two initially independent and indistinguishable boson pairs in one-dimensional harmonic confinement.

Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates (2013)
Journal Article
Billam, T., Mason, P., & Gardiner, S. (2013). Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 87(3), Article 033628.

While the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is well established as the canonical dynamical description of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) at zero temperature, describing the dynamics of BECs at finite temperatures remains a difficult theoretical prob... Read More about Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates.

Feshbach resonances in ultracold 85Rb (2013)
Journal Article
Blackley, C. L., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., McCarron, D. J., Köppinger, M. P., Cho, H., …Cornish, S. L. (2013). Feshbach resonances in ultracold 85Rb. Physical Review A, 87(3),

We present 17 experimentally confirmed Feshbach resonances in optically trapped 85Rb. Seven of the resonances are in the ground-state channel (f,mf)=(2,+2)+(2,+2) and nine are in the excited-state channel (2,−2)+(2,−2). We find a wide resonance at hi... Read More about Feshbach resonances in ultracold 85Rb.

Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons (2013)
Journal Article
Maxwell, D., Szwer, D., Paredes-Barato, D., Busche, H., Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., …Adams, C. (2013). Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons. Physical Review Letters, 110(10), Article 103001.

We use a microwave field to control the quantum state of optical photons stored in a cold atomic cloud. The photons are stored in highly excited collective states (Rydberg polaritons) enabling both fast qubit rotations and control of photon-photon in... Read More about Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons.

Tunnelling of the 3rd kind: A test of the effective non-locality of quantum field theory (2013)
Journal Article
Gardiner, S., Gies, H., Jaeckel, J., & Wallace, C. (2013). Tunnelling of the 3rd kind: A test of the effective non-locality of quantum field theory. European Physical Society Letters, 101(6), Article 61001.

Integrating out virtual quantum fluctuations in an originally local quantum field theory results in an effective theory which is non-local. In this letter we argue that tunnelling of the 3rd kind —where particles traverse a barrier by splitting into... Read More about Tunnelling of the 3rd kind: A test of the effective non-locality of quantum field theory.